Kylian Mbappé: new details on the evening, the player soon heard by investigators?

Kylian Mbappe new details on the evening the player soon

Kylian Mbappé is still the target of a rape complaint according to Swedish media despite his lawyer’s denial on Tuesday October 15. The time for explanations arrives and the details of the evening have leaked.

09:23 – Video surveillance, a key element?

The complainant, according to her account, would have made the one kilometer journey between the venue of the evening and the hotel not far from Kylian Mbappé and his group. Video surveillance images are a major issue in this case, in particular thanks to two cameras installed in the entrance hall which could clarify the conditions in which the young woman arrived on site.

09:19 – Who are the people with Mbappé during this evening?

The captain of the Blues traveled in the company of his personal assistant, in charge in particular of preparing his private trips, and his bodyguard. They were later joined by his former teammate Nordi Mukiele.

09:10 – The establishment is only open to the public two days a week

As also explained by Le Parisien, the private establishment is only open two days a week to the public, Friday and Saturday. The rest of the time, this club is a private place that can be reserved for various events.

09:07 – Details about the evening

According to Le Parisien, between “twenty and thirty people, mostly young Swedish women, are present” during Kylian Mbappé’s evening in Sweden in a privatized club to celebrate with dignity the birthday of an acquaintance.

10/15/24 – 11:36 p.m. – What’s next for the case?

END OF LIVE – If Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer declared Tuesday evening that the footballer’s camp intended to file a complaint for “slanderous denunciation”, journalist Katrin Kranz, from the Swedish tabloid L’Expressenestimated at the microphone of RTL that “normally”, in a case like this, Kylian Mbappé “should have been placed in detention”, which is not the case, since the French footballer is free to move at any time. where we write these lines. “What will happen now is that the police and the prosecutor will interview witnesses and try to gather evidence. They will do that first before knowing whether they will question Mbappé in person or remotely by telephone . […] Unless of course they decide to close the case or if there is no case”, continued the journalist, who affirms that at this time, “what we know is that “there are suspicions and they are strong enough to have prompted the opening of an investigation.”

10/15/24 – 10:48 p.m. – Why the Mbappé clan evokes a frame-up

At the microphone of BFMTV, journalist Daniel Riolo analyzed the affair which has shaken the world of football in recent days. For him, Kylian Mbappé has felt targeted for several months by his former club. The journalist does not hesitate to speak of “a sort of communication war between PSG and Kylian Mbappé around his contract extension”. And Daniel Riolo mentions: “There is a person at the club who is in charge of a digital army since he succeeded Jean-Martial Ribes, who was investigated by the courts for actions of this type. He left the club and the club said it did not recognize itself in these actions even if he was Dircom and right-hand man of the club president. Still, the successor does almost the same thing,” the journalist said. which, “it is enough each time to follow which accounts are [sur les réseaux sociaux ndlr.] who will relay the interests of PSG […] It’s always the same people who are sprinkled with juicy little information to sully the images of people that PSG has an interest in sullying.” However, Daniel Riolo does not incriminate PSG and prefers to content himself with talking about the feelings of the “clan Mbappé.

10/15/24 – 10:25 p.m. – What we know about Mbappé’s complaint and accuser

The person claiming to have been a victim of rape filed a complaint on Saturday, October 12 with a police department. The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet claims to have read the document. The facts she denounces allegedly took place in the hotel in downtown Stockholm, where Kylian Mbappé and his team were staying on the night of October 10 to 11. This person appeared at a hospital in the Swedish capital to have possible physical injuries or psychological trauma caused by the rape she suffered. She would have been interviewed by the police the next day before filing a complaint. Apart from this information on the supposed journey of the alleged victim, no details on the victim’s identity have yet filtered out.

15/10/24 – 9:54 p.m. – Is Kylian Mbappé’s name mentioned in the complaint filed?

At the microphone of BFMTV, the journalist from L’ExpressenKatrin Krantz, responded in the affirmative when asked the question, before qualifying somewhat: “We know that that’s it, but we haven’t read the document. And that’s important . But we are totally sure it’s him.” Earlier on TF1, Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer said she did not know “if the complaint targets him”.

10/15/24 – 9:23 p.m. – Clothes seized by police

At the microphone of RTL, Tuesday evening, the journalist from the Swedish tabloid L’ExpressenKatrin Kranz, revealed that, according to their information, “the alleged rape [aurait] took place at the hotel” where Kylian Mbappé and his relatives were staying. And to continue: “We also know that the police seized evidence: clothes in particular, the pants and underwear of the complainant”
