“Risk that we won’t have time”

Risk that we wont have time

Before autumn, the Swedish police are issuing an appeal.

It affects everyone who plans to apply for a permit with the police this fall or winter.

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“You lose money from your account”

At the latest last week, the police sent out information via their social media channels. Then there was an increased number of reports from people who used several well-known buying and selling sites. The police said, among other things, that it could end “with you getting rid of money from your account”.

This post was part of the collaboration the police have started with the Norwegian Agency for Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness (MSB) on alerting and preventing fraud in the digital environment.

READ MORE: The police warn of popular websites: “Getting rid of money”

Police appeal: “Don’t wait”

The police are now releasing important information to the public.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT.
Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT.

This applies if you are going to arrange something, for example an autumn flea market, a demonstration, a Christmas market or a music event, as the police write in a post on Facebook.

According to the police, many people apply for permits just before and during the autumn. In a post, the authority writes “Don’t wait to apply for permission”.

READ MORE: The police’s sharp warning – when you refuel the car: “Call 112”

You can apply for a permit for that from the police

On the police’s website, you can apply for the following:

  • Arrange arrangements
  • Permission to use security guards
  • Use public space
  • Cultivation tools
  • E-services for weapons permits
  • Filming in a public place
  • Fireworks and other pyrotechnic goods
  • Trading in used goods
  • Hotels and guesthouses
  • Alarm installation
  • Shoot within a detailed planned area
  • Shooting gallery
  • Blasting
  • An application for a permit may also have to go through the relevant municipality or other relevant authority, which is one of the reasons why the police emphasize that you submit your application as soon as possible.

    Photo: Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT.

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    “If your application is received too late, there is a risk that we will not have time to process your case in time and that you will be without a permit,” the police write in a post on their Facebook.
