Millions of people have this charger, it can cause electric shock and should be changed immediately

Millions of people have this charger it can cause electric

A poorly insulated charger can be dangerous. One of the most famous chargers in the world could well have this type of fault and must be taken back to the store urgently.

By purchasing smartphones and other devices, you could well have multiple chargers at home. Whether it’s Lightning, USB-A or USB-C tips, our homes are full of more or less useful accessories for recharging our electrical devices. Unfortunately, these small cables charged with electricity can prove dangerous when they have a design defect or are damaged. This is why we generally recommend throwing away a charger if it is too damaged.

But recently, Apple communicated on one of its most widely distributed chargers around the world. If this charger more or less does its job, it also has a design problem that can cause electric shocks. The charger in question was distributed in Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Argentina, Brazil and countries in continental Europe, such as France, Spain or Italy.


The charger in question has design issues in its adapter block. The cable therefore does not seem to be impacted. The models mentioned have a sequence of 4 or 5 characters inside their adapter. These can be numbers or even letters.

To resolve the situation, Apple has widely communicated about the affected adapters and produced new models which do not present any manufacturing issues. These adapters manufactured to address the concerns of the previous ones do not have a sequence of 4-5 numbers or characters within them. Conversely, we find the location where the adapter is distributed (EUR for Europe, BRA for Brazil or ARG for Argentina).

However, if you have one of the old adapters with a series of numbers or letters, it is strongly recommended that you no longer use it and especially do not plug it into a source of electricity such as a socket or a battery without -thread. This could cause an accident and cause an electric shock. Conversely, it is advisable to throw the charger into an appropriate trash bin or, even better, go to an Apple Store or an Apple-approved service center to exchange your defective charger with a new model for free. If you do not have such stores in your area, it is possible to contact Apple Support through their dedicated website.
