After the scandal episode: “Offensive publication of SVT”

The latest episode of SVT’s “Married at First Sight” has created big headlines over the past week and voices are being raised that it was over the line.
– This is not okay, says Ulrika Schenström, CEO of the think tank Fores.

It’s a wedding in the TV show “Married at First Sight” and one of the newlyweds has met for the first time just a few hours earlier. But what caused the entire Swedish people to be secondarily ashamed is not the ceremony itself but one of the wedding speeches.

– Maybe I should try to describe your magnificent cock, says one of the groom’s friends in a eulogy.

“I feel the shame”

The speech has provoked strong reactions, not least from the news panel in Sunday’s After Five.

– I feel that shame. One wonders how the groom thinks about this speech considering that his new bride is sitting next to him, says Thomas Mattsson, vice chairman Utgivarna.

– It is terrible. One wonders where he got all the information from. He must have talked to some woman who has been with this guy, adds Ulrica Schenström.

Jörgen Huitfeldt, editor-in-chief of Kvartal, is not entirely convinced that the source of the information in the speech is an ex of the groom.

– I can think of other theories, which you can figure out yourself, he says.

“Good reality TV”

Regardless, the panel agrees that the episode qualifies as good entertainment.

– It is a rather offensive publication by Sveriges Television. Now we’re standing here in TV4 and discussing it – it’s good reality TV, says Thomas Mattsson.

Yesterday 17:52

After the wedding scandal: Should Jimmie Åkesson resign?

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