Michel Barnier wants to merge social assistance, what the single allowance will change for everyone

Michel Barnier wants to merge social assistance what the single

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    Since his appointment, the Prime Minister has intended to reform social assistance and create, among other things, a “single social allowance”. What does this mean in practice?

    In France, social assistance is numerous and concerns several themes including family, housing and even disability. A person can therefore receive several allowances every month. But this could well change soon with a “single social allowance” desired by the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier.

    Merge several aids together

    The Head of Government thus intends “debureaucratize” the payment of allowances, he shared on France 2 on October 3. For this, he wants a single allocation which “will merge several social benefits and ensure that people in work consistently earn more than others.” According to him, this unique aid would make it possible to“encourage work and merit, to the detriment of assistantship” And “limit assistance income, in particular with a ceiling between the RSA and the APL”. A unique boost, the details of which we do not yet know.

    The idea is not new, however, since the man was already talking about it in 2021, when he was running for the Republican nomination. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron also proposed a “single social payment”. And his Prime Minister at the time, Edouard Philippe, for his part defendedn “universal earned income” in 2018.

    This was to bring together RSA, activity bonus, specific solidarity allowance, APL or even the allowance for disabled adults, but was rejected the same year by France Stratégie, an organization attached to Matignon, which considered that help like this could do more than “losers” than “winners”.

    A project planned in a few years

    In any case, this new single social allowance project should not see the light of day quickly, but in the coming years, because the “construction will take a little time”in the words of the Prime Minister.

    The measure should therefore not appear in the government’s draft budget presented Thursday to the Council of Ministers. It could, however, be supported by members of the Prime Minister’s political camp during the examination of budgetary texts in Parliament. The deputies of the Republican Right thus presented on October 2 a series of measures in order to achieve 50 billion euros in savings. among which the“single capped social allowance” has “70% of the minimum wage”, “with the exception of certain benefits whose specificity is justified, such as the disabled adult allowance”. According to them, this measure would save money. “of the order of 7 billion euros” next year.
