Nazi dead in Untersberg – fell from Hitler’s favorite mountain

Nazi dead in Untersberg – fell from Hitlers favorite mountain



full screenOne of the helicopters that participated in the operation. Photo: Markus Leitner/Red Cross

Neo-Nazi Andreas Münzhuber stumbled on a root.

Then he fell 60 meters down Adolf Hitler’s favorite mountain in Germany.

Adolf Hitler was so fond of the view of the Untersberg, 1,973 meters above sea level, that he decided to build his infamous “Eagle’s Nest” in the area.

Between 1933 and 1945 it was one of the Nazis’ most important centers of power.

A couple of weeks ago, 37-year-old Andreas Münzhuber was hiking with about 30 other people in the area when he suddenly tripped on a root and fell 60 meters.


full screen Photo: Red Cross

According to Telegraph Münzhuber was a high-ranking member and treasurer of the neo-Nazi group “The Third Way”, which was founded in 2013 and has roughly 600 members.

Two helicopters took part in the search for Münzhuber, who was later found dead.

Far-right groups on Telegram and Facebook have now collected donations to erect a memorial stone where he died, according to the New York Post.

On Friday, they had collected 12,000 euros.
