At 59, Cristina Cordula gives herself a star smile thanks to this lipstick – she shows us how to apply it

At 59 Cristina Cordula gives herself a star smile thanks

Cristina Cordula has unveiled a new tutorial to adopt flashy lipstick as well as she does. Here it is.

This morning I woke up with a red mouth craving!“, shares Cristina Cordula in her latest Instagram post. And when this happens, she is quick to reveal a detailed overview of all the stages of her make-up to the delight of her fans who can reproduce it.

If we are to believe Cristina Cordula’s video, the secret is not to neglect the rest of the makeup to have a beautiful red lips worthy of a star. “In this case, we work on a luminous complexion and light eyes“, writes the host in the caption. She begins by applying a base before using a concealer on her entire face which she blends using a small brush. The star, who will soon blow out its 60 candles, works the material of its bronzer by making light movements in the shape of 3. Then move on to the eyebrows which she subtly fills in with a brown pencil. On the eyelids, Cristina Cordula places a brown shadow in the crease as well as a line of brown pencil along the upper and lower lash line. A stroke of the eyelash curler, a touch of mascara and the look is finished! For the final touch, the image consultant comes to powder the T zone of her face.

She then moves on to the most important step of the video: that of the lipstick. Using the raspberry shade named Beijo from its Magnifaïk brand, it places the grapes directly on the mouth by sliding from the center outwards, while taking care not to exceed. “It’s great for the season, it makes you feel good and looks good!” she exclaims about the ultra-luminous shade. And in the comments, subscribers are won over: “Magnificent make-up!“, “This lipstick suits you perfectly“, “It seems easy to put on makeup when people watch you do it“, even wrote one of them. Successful tutorial!
