Steam began to clearly state: “You are just purchasing a license”

Steam began to clearly state You are just purchasing a

“Ownership” works differently in the digital world, the major gaming market Steam now clearly states: “You just buy a license.”

You do not become the permanent owner of a game when you purchase it digitally. In the digital world, things proceed differently from the boxed side; basically, usage rights or licenses are purchased. The last major game company, Ubisoft, did this. He reminded The Crew by deleting it from players’ libraries. Taking a step forward, California Governor Gavin Newsom has passed a law requiring digital marketplaces to make it clear to customers that they are only selling licenses to access content.It is referred to as AB 2426) had signed. It was Steam that brought this process to the agenda now.. Company game purchasing page, “Purchasing a digital product on Steam provides a license for that product.” to add the warning started.


Steam had previously made a splash by updating its subscription agreement. Thanks to this update, the court door has been opened against Valve. Making a statement on the subject, the platform stated the following: “How to resolve disputes and claims between Valve and Steam users Steam Subscription AgreementWe would like to share some information about the latest updates made in . We have eliminated the need to resolve disputes through individual arbitration. As always, we recommend contacting Steam Support if you experience an issue. This is often the best way to solve a problem. But if that doesn’t work, the updated Steam Subscription Agreement now stipulates that disputes must be resolved in court rather than arbitration. We have also removed the class action waiver and cost and fee sharing provisions in previous versions of the Agreement.

For most of our customers (including those living in the EU and the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Quebec), these updates will have limited impact as these arbitration rules did not apply to them prior to the update. What we wrote here is just an overview. We recommend that you review the entire updated subscription agreement. contract From here “You can examine it.” The new subscription agreement essentially removes the mandatory arbitration clause, allowing players to take legal action against Valve, the company that owns the platform. This step is not expected to cause major legal problems for Valve.
