What is good for neck pain? What causes neck pain and how can it be relieved quickly?

Both physical strain, incorrect posture habits, and muscle tension due to stress can cause neck pain. Neck pain, which negatively affects daily life, can vary in severity from mild discomfort to serious health problems. Ways to get rid of neck pain include improving posture, exercising regularly, and applying stress-reducing techniques.

What causes neck pain?

There are many different factors that cause neck pain. These factors can be listed as follows:

  • Muscle strain or muscle spasm: Neck muscles become strained or muscle spasms occur as a result of overuse and prolonged movements. This naturally causes neck pain.
  • Deformation of the cervical vertebrae: Congenital or acquired deformities (curvature or abnormality) in the cervical vertebrae cause neck pain.
  • Disc problems: Compression, herniation or slippage in the cervical vertebrae can cause neck pain.
  • Posture problems: Neck pain may occur because standing incorrectly or using the computer for a long time causes the head to be positioned incorrectly.
  • Rheumatic diseases: Rheumatism can cause neck pain.
  • Nerve compression and injuries: While some accidents, falls and sports injuries cause neck pain, nerve compression in the neck area can also cause neck pain.

What is good for neck pain?

Most neck pain occurs temporarily. If there is no disease underlying the neck pain, resting the neck, doing massage and stretching movements, applying hot compresses and correcting the posture will be good for neck pain. Methods that are generally good for neck pain can be listed as follows:

  • If there is swelling, apply a cold compress or apply a hot compress,
  • Doing some exercise movements (gently bending, twisting and rotating the neck)
  • Resting the neck by taking a break from physical activities for a while,
  • Applying muscle relaxant gel recommended by doctors to the neck area,
  • Changing the posture so as not to strain the neck,
  • Using neck collars that are both relaxing and resting,
  • If neck pain is mild or moderate, use painkillers.
  • Avoiding stressful situations,
  • Using a hard and low pillow that will not tire the neck while sleeping.

neck pain treatment Although this is generally the method, in rare cases it may require surgical intervention. If serious neck pain becomes chronic, it should be checked by a specialist doctor and treated with an appropriate treatment method.

How to relieve neck pain fastest?

The treatment for neck pain is to first relieve the pain and at the same time eliminate the limitation of movement in the neck. Neck pain sometimes gets better over time under the supervision of a doctor, and sometimes it goes away with home methods. Painkillers and muscle relaxants are generally preferred to quickly relieve neck pain. However, drug therapy should not be used for a long time. Physical therapies are also applied to relieve neck pain. Physical therapy performed with a physiotherapist strengthens the neck muscles and helps relieve neck pain. Many people who experience neck pain look for natural solutions for neck pain. Those who do not want to use medication and want to heal their neck pain with natural solutions can use the following methods:

  • Applying hot or cold compress: Neck pain natural solution It is one of the most effective methods. Taking a hot shower or using a hot water bottle relaxes the muscles and reduces pain. Cold compress also reduces inflammation.
  • Exercise: Neck exercises recommended by specialist doctors reduce neck pain.
  • Using stress-reducing techniques: You can stay away from stress with meditation, yoga and breathing exercises.
  • Correct posture: Sitting in the correct position at the computer or desk is one of the natural solutions for neck pain.
