The deadline looms for the debt-laden crisis company

In total, the company has 60 billion in debt.
Now Northvolt must pay just over 300 million – or go bankrupt.
– A lot is at stake here until Monday, says DI’s Anders Hägerstrand.

Northvolt will pay the 287 million that is due to the Swedish Tax Agency by Monday at the latest. This is confirmed by the company’s communications director Matti Kataja for TV4 Nyheterna. The debt includes, among other things, VAT, labor charges and withheld tax.

Monday is described as a fateful day for the company in crisis.

– If they had not been able to pay it, the board would have been forced to request the company to go bankrupt, because otherwise the board would have received personal responsibility for this debt, says Anders Hägerstrand, news manager at Dagens Industri.

60 billion in debt

Northvolt – with a total debt of around SEK 60 billion – thus says that you must pay on time. This despite the fact that on Thursday morning the company still did not know whether it would be possible or not

– This is how Northvolt has been trying to get money for a long time but failed. Now a lot is at stake here until Monday. Because a bankruptcy would have meant that the founders and major shareholders had lost everything, says Hägerstrand and continues:

– The lenders had also lost a significant part or perhaps large parts of what they have lent. So now, during this Thursday here, they seem to have come together.

Then the debt must be paid

According to information to Dagens industri, it is lenders, shareholders and also one of the largest customers Scania that have joined together to pay the most urgent debt to the Swedish Tax Agency of SEK 287 million.

This is described as a very short-term solution.

– The crisis is most likely not over, says Anders Hägerstrand.

– This is about 300 million. It was critically short-term, but Northvolt has massive debts of 60 billion. It is a company that makes big losses and has a production that does not work. So the problems will remain until they have partly solved their production, he continues.
