Accused of “sexual violence”, the young MP resigns from his mandate

predations sexual violence… What is the young deputy from Isere

After being excluded from the LFI group in the National Assembly, for “serious acts of a sexual nature”, MP Hugo Prévost resigned from his parliamentary mandate.

After being faced with the Adrien Quatennens affair, a former deputy convicted of domestic violence, at the end of 2022, France Insoumise was once again affected by a case of accusations of violence. The party has decided to exclude Isère MP Hugo Prévost from its parliamentary group in the National Assembly following serious allegations against him. In a press release on Tuesday, October 8, the group justified such a decision by “serious facts of a sexual nature that could amount to criminal offenses, prior to its election.” Hugo Prévost was elected in July 2024 in the first constituency of Isère against Olivier Véran, former Minister of Health.

“Meeting on October 8, 2024, in accordance with the principles of the charter signed by the LFI-NFP candidates in the legislative elections committing to defend feminist values ​​and to combat sexist and sexual violence wherever it occurs, the LFI- NFP has pronounced the exclusion of MP Hugo Prevost,” it is indicated in the press release. While the parliamentary group was contacted on September 23 by the Vigilance Committee against sexist and sexual violence of La France insoumise, the elected official was interviewed on October 2 by a delegation of rebels, which then led to the sanction .

Sexual harassment and violence

These accusations are also put forward by the Student Union union, founded by Hugo Prévost himself, which, in a press release, reports “acts of moral and sexual harassment, patterns of predation, serious criminal acts of a sexual nature” between 2020 and 2024. The organization specifies that “his position facilitated the fact that he could commit violence through the control and dependence that this generated” and that “on the other hand, this violence was precisely committed with the aim of maintaining his position and the powers associated with it.” The deputy would have on several occasions, according to the union, “isolated, belittled, denigrated and insulted women”, with “at least two cases of sexual violence”.

The union denounces “an omerta around the violence committed” ensuring that “the majority of the facts (…) had been known to certain people for several months, even several years”. It also specifies that the alleged victims would notably be “women from successive national teams” of the organization.

The Student Union calls for justice to be done, while the LFI group adds that “justice can be taken if the people concerned decide.” No complaint has yet been filed. The Student Union is even calling for the resignation of Hugo Prévost’s mandate as deputy. She is not the only one: Salomé Robin also requested the resignation of the deputy for whom she is deputy on October 9 in a press release and even announced that she was leaving her position. Call heard by the MP who announced he was resigning from his parliamentary mandate the same evening.

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