Everyone has the right to survive their pregnancy – this year’s theme in Musikhjälpen

Every two minutes a woman dies related to pregnancy or childbirth. Nevertheless, the solution is often simple, it is about clean water, sanitation, nutrition, vaccination and basic healthcare.

– Ensuring women’s sexual and reproductive rights and health is fundamental for the individual, the family but also for the whole society. A safe pregnancy and a safe delivery are important issues of equality and gender equality, says Radiohjälpen’s secretary general Kristina Henschen.

The radio aid

Stiftelsen Radiohjälpen, abbreviated as Radiohjälpen, whose decision-making body is its board, has the task of coordinating the radio and TV companies’ collection activities for humanitarian purposes in consultation with Sveriges Television AB, Sveriges Radio AB and Sveriges Utbildningsradio AB.

In the clip, Kristina Henschen talks about this year’s theme in Musikhjälpen.
