3.1%, the candidate leaves the presidential election

31 the candidate leaves the presidential election

LASSALE. Jean Lassalle comes out of the 2022 presidential election not far from 5% of the vote in the 1st round of voting. For his second participation, the Béarn elected official is doing much better than in 2017.

23:41 – The latest results of the 1st round of the presidential election

END OF LIVE. Here are the latest Elabe estimates for BFMTV, L’Express with SFR for the first round of the presidential election at 11:30 p.m.:

  • Emmanuel Macron: 28.2%
  • Marine Le Pen: 22.9%
  • Jean-Luc Melenchon: 21.7%
  • Eric Zemmour: 7.3%
  • Valerie Pécresse: 4.9%
  • Yannick Jadot: 4.5%
  • John Lassalle: 2.8%
  • Fabien Roussel: 2.5%
  • Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: 2.1%
  • Anne Hidalgo: 1.8%
  • Philippe Poutou: 0.7%
  • Nathalie Arthaud: 0.6%

23:02 – Jean Lassalle did not give voting instructions

With 3.1%, Jean Lassalle gave no voting instructions for the second round of the presidential election.

22:39 – The latest results of the 1st round of the presidential election

Partial results according to Ipsos & Sopra Steria for France Télévisions, Radio France, France24/RFI/MCD Public Sénat/LCP Assemblée Nationale and Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France – 10:30 p.m.

22:15 – The latest results of the 1st round of the presidential election

The latest Elabe estimates for BFMTV, l’Express/SFR at 10:04 p.m. for the 1st round of the presidential election:

20:15 – The complete results of the first round of the presidential election

The results of the first round of the presidential election are in (Ifop Fiducial estimates for TF1 / LCI):

20:05 – End of the presidential election for Jean Lassalle

Jean Lassalle obtained 3.3% of the votes according to estimates by Ifop-Fiducial for TF1-LCI, this is the end of his candidacy for the election presidential 2022.

18:55 – Jean Lassalle in his HQ

Presidential candidate Jean Lassalle arrived at his campaign headquarters to witness the results of the first round of the presidential election.

17:43 – Jean Lassalle: a political program and vision defended in his books

Signing sessions are a habit for the founder of the Résistons! party, author of books on his vision of French politics and the nation. The first, the autobiography “The given word”, appeared in 2008, when Jean Lassalle was an ally of the MoDem, and returned to the daily life of his family of shepherds and his views for the French and their leaders. In 2011, he published “Le retour du citoyen”, a utopian book on the challenges of globalization that he would like to be able to take up from the mountains of his region. Then, his pen took a political turn with “Meeting the French” in 2015, a book that looks back on his eight-month and 5,000-kilometer walk during which he met many citizens whose merits he describes, but also with “ Un berger à l’Elysée” in 2016, announcing his candidacy for 2017. After “Aurore ou Crépuscule” in 2020, full of lyrical flights and projects for his Résistons! party, he unveiled on March 5 “Authentic France », testifying to its attachment to rural areas. However, we do not yet know if this prolific author has convinced the French to vote for him in the first round of the 2022 presidential election… Patience, the results are for 8 p.m. tonight.

17:21 – Before tonight’s results, a look back at Jean Lassalle’s bus campaign

Departing from Lourdios on March 9, Jean Lassalle embarked on a tour of France by bus, explaining on his site : “It is important to me to be as close as possible to you, to listen to you and to discuss together my presidential project”. Passed by Marseille, Toulouse or Nantes, he also held meetings, like that of Bayonne on March 9, to make “France’s campaigns his great national cause”. For those who praise local employment and regional pride, it is better “to succeed at home” than “to be unhappy in Paris” (comments reported by Point). With his blue bus very noticed on social networks, Jean Lassalle wanted to campaign on the ground as the deadline for the first round of the 2022 presidential election approached.

17:11 – Discover the participation rate in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques

After voting this afternoon, the candidate Jean Lassalle should have discovered the different national participation rates of 5 p.m. In the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, this rate is 72.78%, which is higher than the national average of 65%.

5:01 p.m. – Participation at 5 p.m.

According to official figures from the Ministry of the Interior, the turnout at 5 p.m. for the first round of the presidential election was 65%, which is less than during the last election.

17:00 – The unusual methods of the “authenticity” candidate

It is common knowledge that Jean Lassalle does not have his tongue in his pocket. A great defender of rurality and of the French people who “resist”, the name of his party echoes his positions, in particular in the National Assembly where he is a follower of interventions. We remember in particular the yellow vest he wore in the hemicycle in November 2018, until it caused a suspension of the session, or his frequent cries of anger about the rise in the price of oil the same year, and of those finally on the vaccine pass, in particular on January 5 and 6 (his interventions are also to be found on the site of his party). Beyond the speeches, there are his actions, unusual for a politician, like the 39-day hunger strike he had started to protest against the closure of the Toyal factory in his Aspe valley in 2006, or his 5,000 kilometer and eight-month walk in 2013 “to meet the French”. The candidate’s methods have not changed for his candidacy for the 2022 presidential election, which he inaugurated with a tour of France by bus. The outcome of this application will be revealed to us by the results which will fall this evening at 8 p.m.

16:28 – Jean Lassalle’s insults to a Franceinfo journalist go wrong

During the last week of the campaign, Jean Lassalle stood out for his insulting remarks towards the political columnist of FranceInfo Renaud Dély. The presidential candidate twice called the journalist a “dog”. The channel immediately reacted and “strongly condemned” the behavior of the presidential candidate.

16:27 – Jean Lassalle’s insults to a Franceinfo journalist go wrong

During the last week of the campaign, Jean Lassalle stood out for his insulting remarks towards the political columnist of FranceInfo Renaud Dély. The presidential candidate twice called the journalist a “dog”. The channel immediately reacted and “strongly condemned” the behavior of the presidential candidate.

16:10 – The political career of candidate Jean Lassalle

Coming from a rural family and the son of a shepherd, he was first trained as an agricultural technician, before entering politics by being elected, at the age of 21, mayor of his native village, Lourdios-Ichère, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. , a position he held until 2017 (i.e. for 40 years), while becoming general councilor of Pyrénées-Atlantiques in 1982, thus embarking on a long career as a local elected official. He then became a deputy in 2002, a period when he approached the centrist François Bayrou, whom he supported by participating in his presidential campaign in 2007 before joining the MoDem. His emancipation from the MoDem took place in 2016, when he created his own party, “Resist! “, until running for the presidential election in 2017. The 1.21% he received in the 1st round did not discourage him since he led the head of his party’s list in the European elections in 2019, before running for president in 2022.

