What should someone eat if they have stomach bleeding? Nutrition after stomach bleeding

Nutrition of a person suffering from stomach bleeding is very important to support the healing process. In this case, which occurs due to the weakening and damage of the stomach lining, foods that are easy to digest and do not tire the stomach should be preferred. Especially foods that have a soothing effect on the stomach should be consumed.

What should someone eat if they have stomach bleeding?

Nutrition after stomach bleeding There are points to consider during the process. These:

  • Fluid intake: Initially, water, fresh fruit juice or liquids containing electrolytes should be preferred. This helps balance the fluids the body loses.

  • Light foods: Light and easily digestible foods that do not harm the stomach should be preferred. Foods such as bananas, applesauce, rice, yoghurt and boiled potatoes are ideal.

  • High fiber foods: Fibrous foods help regulate the digestive system. Whole grain breads, oats and vegetables can be preferred.

  • Low acid foods: Foods that do not irritate the stomach and are not acidic should be preferred.

  • Small portions: It will be beneficial to feed frequently but in small portions to avoid overfilling the stomach.

  • Fat and spice restriction: Oily and spicy foods should be avoided because such foods can irritate the stomach.

  • Alcohol and caffeine: Drinks containing alcohol and caffeine should be avoided.

What does a patient with stomach bleeding eat?

Nutrition after stomach bleeding should be planned very carefully. During this process, it is important to avoid acidic or hard foods that can irritate the stomach. First of all, you start with a liquid diet and easy-to-digest foods are preferred. With the doctor’s recommendation, you can gradually switch to solid foods. Light foods should be consumed primarily.

Easily digestible foods that are easy on the stomach, such as rice porridge and mashed potatoes, are among the recommended foods during this period. Protein sources such as lean, boiled chicken or fish also help the healing process after stomach bleeding. Fibrous foods, especially vegetables and fruits, should be slowly included in your diet. During this process, very acidic or hard vegetables should be avoided.

Warm foods should be preferred as extremely hot or extremely cold foods can damage the stomach. Caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods and acidic drinks should be strictly avoided. Eating meals frequently and in small portions during the healing process will soothe the stomach and speed up recovery.
