Fourth vaccine dose, Hope: “In the autumn we will evaluate for other age groups”

Fourth vaccine dose Hope In the autumn we will evaluate

(Finance) – They registered in Italy 28.368 new cases in 24 hours with the 14.5% positivity rate And 115 dead. These are the numbers of the bulletin released today, Monday 11 April, by the Ministry of Health. “Now the our health authorities they ordered the second call, the so-called fourth dose, for eighty-year-olds, guests of the RSA and frail elderly people. In the autumn we will evaluate a more extensive recall for the other age groups as well. I am pleased that Ema and Ecdc have also given the same line to other European countries “. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, at the end of a long interview on national and international politics, today on The print. “While in the media the war has replaced Covid, in reality it has simply added itself. On this we will have to make one important communication effort and insist on vaccination“he stressed.

In 21 countries the vaccination coverage against Covid-19 it is still below 10% of the population, leaving the most vulnerable at high risk. This is highlighted by the WHO strategic group of experts (Sage) on vaccinations, which has revised its indications on vaccinations, not just Covid. THE available data ithey also state that “the coverage of high priority groups “ for vaccination against Covid-19 “is insufficient to provide the necessary protection against serious illness and death. 65% and seniority coverage has fluctuated since 69% to 24% of some regions “.

The masks “to be used when needed, like sunglasses. Removing them from May 1st is a challenging choice. I would wait a little longer, and we will see the effects of Easter to understand the epidemiological situation but these holidays worry me a little, there is an excessive sense of ‘free all’. She said it Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist of the State University of Milan, on Rai Radio1 at Un Giorno da Pecora. “THE contagions – he notes – they have almost reached one plateau, but continue to rise.

Meanwhile, the doses of Covid-19 vaccine administered hitherto in Italy are 136,206,983 equal to 96.0% of the 141,899,967 delivered (in detail, 95,340,593 Pfizer / BioNTech, 25,446,308 Moderna, 11,514,521 Vaxzevria, 6,726,089 Pfizer pediatric, 1,849,456 Janssen and 1,023,000 Novavax). It can be read in the report of the Ministry of Health updated at 06.17 today.
