the Transformers party requests a postponement of local elections

the Transformers party requests a postponement of local elections

The Chadian party Les Transformateurs of the opponent Succès Masra has just completed its convention and requests the postponement of the legislative, provincial and municipal elections scheduled for December 29, 2024. After two days of debate, the activists decided to participate in the next electoral events , but under certain conditions.

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With our correspondent in Ndjamena, Carol Valade

The Transformers will go to the elections, but on the condition that they are postponed until 2025 due to violent floods which are currently affecting the country which have left nearly 600 dead, affected nearly two million people, made certain parts of the country completely inaccessible and which are expected to get even worse in the coming days.

Impossible in these conditions to campaign, according to the party which says it is drawing lessons from its participation in the presidential election of May 2024. Success Masra came second according to the official results which it still contests by also setting as a condition the revision of the lists, the division of the code and the composition of electoral institutions.

Success Masra nevertheless leaves the door open to a form of collaboration with the authorities within the framework of what he calls a “ bipartisan consensus “. Enough to make the ranks of the other parties cringe.

Also readChad: the PSF demands the release of its activists arrested on February 28, 2024
