Def, trade associations: indications that can be shared but more resources for recovery

Def trade associations indications that can be shared but more

(Finance) – “The indications of DEF they appear substantially to be shared in the quantitative dimension and in the logical structure that supports it, albeit with some perplexities about the dimensions of the growth – perhaps for ‘optimistic’ assessments – and on the consequent implications for the evolution of public accounts “. This is what we read in a note released by Confcommercio after the hearing at the combined House and Senate Budget Committees. “According to our estimates – he continues -, it is likely that, in the current year, theinflation is above the forecasts of the DEF (+ 5.8%). Even if we stick to the Government’s assessments, the implication in terms of reduction of the purchasing power of families. Furthermore, even apart from the more serious risks of interruption of energy supplies from Russia, the economic-financial equilibrium of many companies appears to be compromised, already at present prices energeticalso in the services sector “.” On the basis of these elements, it is likely to imagine a macroeconomic trend strongly reduced in performance, with an increase in GDP, in the current year, closer to 2% than 3% ” , added Confcommercio.

“The outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine rekindled fears and large anxietiesas well as causing countless loss of life and a mass exodus of millions of people, “he stressed Mauro BussoniSecretary General of Confesercenti. “It is also worrying that in the scenario at the end of 2023 of the Def, household spending is still 10 billion below the pre-pandemic level – added Bussoni -. Even more significant (and worrying) is the fact that household consumption in 2024 they will still record a gap of around 2 billion compared to 2007, the year that preceded the other great recent crisis “. “In the Def, the government declares that it can replicate these interventions by allocating the same amount of resources, equal to approximately 4.5 billion. It is our impression, even though we are aware of the heavy burden they represent, that these measures should be strengthened with more resources”, he said. declared.

“The resources indicated in the DEF are a further, appreciable intervention put in place by the Government. But to sustain growth and tackle the difficulties of businesses exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, they are needed policies shared at European level, using the joint debt experience of the Next generation EU, the re-discussion of the Stability Pact and the support of the ECB to guarantee liquidity to EU countries “. These are the indications expressed by Confartigianato during the hearing.

The painting cheap is worsening and it is necessary that economic policy maintain a highly expansionary profile to face the heavy effects of the conflict in Ukraine, he highlighted CNAunderlining that 5 billion are “modest resources compared to the complexity of the moment” to reduce the cost of energy and fuels, compensate for the increase in the cost of public works, compensate companies from the effects of sanctions.

For the National Council of Accountants in 2020 “the economic and financial support measures adopted to tackle the pandemic crisis made it possible to contain the bankruptcies of businesses and the over-indebtedness procedures affecting households and non-fallible businesses”, then “in the course of 2021 it was slowly returned to pre-pandemic values ​​”, while” today we see a marked increase in suffering that has not yet translated into the numbers and statistics that account for the phenomenon, also because the containment measures continued in 2021 and in this first part of 2022 “.

For the National Council of Labor ConsultantsInstead, the program GOALGuarantee of employability of workers, a “measure that is aimed at a large and heterogeneous group of workers with different difficulties in accessing work, including all beneficiaries of income support measures, therefore of shock absorbers socialof Naspi, of citizenship income “, with” the aim of training them, retraining them and accompanying them to work “has” targets ambitious and the expectation is very high, also in consideration of the increase in the number of unemployed looking for new employment and, at the same time, of companies that denounce the difficulty in finding suitable professionalism for their changed organizational needs “. Finally, for Confprofessionsif the Def “pushes to favor the aggregation between companies, a regulatory framework is needed that facilitates the establishment of aggregative forms between professionals, starting with the revision of the rules on companies between professionals (Stp)”.
