2021 World Air Pollution Report: Iğdır is the most polluted city in the European region

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The 2021 World Air Pollution Report, which analyzes the air pollution values ​​of 117 countries and 6 thousand 475 cities around the world, has been announced to the public. According to the report, Turkey maintained its 46th place in air pollution ranking. According to the report examining Turkey in the European region, Iğdır is the most polluted city in Europe.

Air pollution, which is associated with close to 7 million deaths annually, is seen as the biggest environmental health threat today.

The annual report, published by Switzerland-based air quality technology company IQAir, is based on measurements of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) density per cubic metre.

According to the report, which uses air pollution threshold values ​​updated last year by the World Health Organization (WHO), these thresholds are exceeded in 97 percent of cities worldwide. In other words, only 222 of the 6,475 cities examined according to WHO standards breathed fresh air in 2021.

According to WHO standards, PM2.5 value should be at most 5 μg/m in order to breathe clean air in a region.

Accordingly, air pollution in Turkey was 3 to 5 times higher than the WHO guideline values ​​throughout the year in 2021. PM2.5 concentration in Turkey was measured as 20 μg/m2 on average in 2021. For 2020, this ratio was 18.7. With this ratio, Turkey became the 7th country with the most polluted air among 42 countries in the European region.

In the report, it is stated that the intense fires seen across Europe from Spain to Turkey in 2021 contributed to the increase in air pollution.

In the report, which ranks the capitals with the most polluted air according to PM2.5 density, Ankara ranks 54th with PM 17.2 density.

In the report, which examines Turkey within the European region, Iğdır ranks first in the list of cities with the most polluted air in Europe with a density of 66 μg/m. Iğdır ranks first among 1,588 cities, followed by the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk with a density of 49.8 μg/m and the city of New Pazar in Serbia with a density of 47.2 μg/m. In fourth place is the city of Foča in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a density of 46 μg/m, followed by Düzce with a density of 44.4 μg/m.

Düzce and Erzurum follow Iğdır in the list of cities with the most polluted air in Turkey.

Ranking first in 2020, Çorum is the 9th city with the most polluted air, right in front of Bursa.

PM2.5 particles, one 30th the diameter of the hair, are associated with some respiratory diseases and lung cancer.

About 40,000 children under the age of 5 were associated with deaths in 2021

It is estimated that the daily cost of air pollution is 8 billion dollars, corresponding to 3 to 4 percent of the global gross national product.

According to the report, air pollution affects the most vulnerable segments of the population more. About 40,000 child deaths under the age of 5 in 2021 were directly attributed to PM2.5 pollution.

In September 2021, WHO updated its air pollution guideline values ​​for the first time since 2006, due to global health implications. Accordingly, the recommended PM2.5 value was reduced from 10 μg/m to 5 μg/m.
