Identify these 5 unconscious reflexes that are sabotaging your career

Identify these 5 unconscious reflexes that are sabotaging your career

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    At work, do you do or say things that you regret the next second? Learn to identify these unconscious behaviors to boost your performance.

    Difficulty saying no, avoidance of conflicts… At work, it is easy to fall into an infernal spiral where our unconscious guides our choices. Out of fear of what others will look at, out of lack of self-confidence or quite simply out of a need to prove (too much) things to oneself. Here are 5 unconscious behaviors to identify to regain control of your professional life.

    Everyone is controlled “by unconscious pilots”

    According to Luce Janin-Devillars, psychoanalyst and coach, author of “Change your life, it’s never too late“(Ed. Lafon) certain unconscious reflexes prevent us from evolving professionally.

    Transactional analysis shows that at work everyone lets themselves be guided by unconscious drivers. he confirms.

    He specifies that one or two drivers often influence our behavior and reactions, hence the importance of identifying them.

    Amélie Boukhobza, clinical psychologist, shares this opinion.

    Without even realizing it, certain behaviors can seriously hinder your progress at work. Indeed, as the author points out, being perfect, making an effort, pleasing others, being strong or hurrying, are injunctions, although apparently valued, which can ultimately hinder success.

    Here are some other mechanisms, often invisible, but powerful, which slip into daily professional life and slow down progress.

    The 5 behaviors to spot at work

    • Never say no. “It’s subtle, but saying yes to everything ends up being dispersive. Accepting all missions may seem laudable, but it can also show a lack of prioritization and, ultimately, affect the quality of the work.”
    • Underestimate the importance of feedback. “Passively waiting for feedback or, worse, avoiding it for fear of being criticized clearly prevents you from growing. Learning to solicit and receive feedback allows you to adjust quickly and align with expectations.”
    • Stay in your comfort zone. “Do we excel in our usual tasks? So much the better, but by limiting ourselves to it, we can lock ourselves in. Certainly it’s comfortable and reassuring but this attitude sometimes masks a refusal to take risks, to challenge oneself or to seize development opportunities.”
    • Talking too much about yourself. “Being constantly focused on yourself, your own performance or your successes can quickly tire your colleagues. Leadership and success are also built together, by valuing the contributions of others and developing a real team dynamic.”
    • Let small habits turn into big distractions. “Constantly checking your phone, getting lost in the twists and turns of social networks or taking multiple coffee breaks: all of this adds up and can quickly become completely time-consuming. These distractions end up eating into productivity without us realizing it. realize.”

    You are now ready to perform mindfully in the office.

    30 quotes about work

    Slide: 30 quotes about work
