National Orientation Center in Rome, UniCredit supports investments by the ELIS Consortium

UniCredit institutional investors file list for renewal of the Board

(Finance) – The National Orientation Center which will be built in Rome by the ELIS Consortium for higher professional training was financed by UniCredit.

The financing – explains the note – expects a reduction in the spreadwith respect to the conditions offered for this type of operation, recognized to companies that are committed to improving the environment, society and the good administration of their company, i.e. that inspire their action on ESG factors: Environmental, Social and Governance. The sustainability targets chosen by the ELIS Consortium for the financing of the future Center were on the one hand the growth in the number of schools and students involved in orientation initiatives and on the other the reduction of the phenomenon of school dropout and NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), i.e. those young people who do not participate in training programs, do not work and do not look for employment.

“With this credit intervention – he declares Roberto Fiorini, Regional Manager UniCredit Center – UniCredit continues its commitment to supporting the projects of third sector entities that concretely contribute to the sustainable development of the territory. The financing is part of the latest edition of the UniCredit program for Italy, which provides, among the various initiatives, support for third sector entities, in line with the UniCredit Group’s commitment to equitable development and broader financial inclusion , through forms of
financing tailored to the specific needs of social organizations and enterprises”.

“We start, with the support of UniCredit, a new initiative of orientation from Rome – he explains Peter Cum, ELIS CEO – extends to the entire national territory through the network of schools created as part of the “District Italy” project. We want Villa Fassini to become a space of experiences for students, for their families, for companies and for schools. It is a further initiative to encourage the meeting between the world of training and work, which young people have always asked for first.”

The National Orientation Center (CNO) is a project that aims to create a point of reference for the professional orientation of young people throughout Italy. Born as part of the “District Italy” project, promoted by the ELIS Consortium of companies to encourage the discovery of the professions most requested today by companies and the consequent entry into the world of work, it sees collaboration with a national network of public and private schools in within the scope of a Memorandum of Understanding signed by ELIS with the Ministry of Education and Merit.
The goal is to build a physical hub that offers experiential spaces to stimulate and motivate students in choosing their future. Spaces where you can discover your professional aptitudes, learn about the opportunities offered by the world of work and understand what the study and professional paths are to realize your ambitions.

In detail, the new National Orientation Center will be built at Villa Fassini in Rome. It will host national and international events on orientation and mobility. It will allow young people to dialogue with company professionals and mentors. To parents, teachers, professors and “training, education and guidance operators” Unicredit
