Although there were hardly any new, ambitious MMORPGs launched in 2024, every major online role-playing game received a new expansion. From WoW: The War Within to Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds – how do the addons perform? The answer is provided by MeinMMO’s power ranking.
The year 2024 was and is an exciting one for fans of MMORPGs. Although there have only been comparatively few releases of new, ambitious online role-playing games – such as Tarisland or, most recently, Throne and Liberty – all of the genre giants received a fresh expansion:
Since it has never existed in this form before, we are taking the opportunity to let the five expansions mentioned compete against each other in a power ranking. Which add-on was particularly impressive?
You have chosen – the best MMORPGs of all time for PC and console:
The best MMORPGs of all time for PC and console
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Criteria for power ranking
Apart from a subjective assessment, there is unfortunately no evaluation basis that fits all five MMORPGs. For example, while WoW: The War Within, Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road and Final Fantasy
On Steam, however, World of Warcraft continues to be rare, while the four other MMORPGs have been able to collect many new reviews there in the past few weeks and months. Since there are no official player or sales figures, we rely on a mix of all factors that we lump together as the basis for the power ranking.
5th place: Black Desert: Land of the Morning Light – Seoul
Although Black Desert has changed noticeably since launch, the strengths and weaknesses remain similar. The combat system is great, the graphics are pretty, and the life skills are motivating. A lot of grind, pay2win elements and unbalanced PvP await you.
The trailer for the new Black Desert expansion:
Black Desert: The trailer for the new expansion “Land of the Morning Light: Seoul”
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There was also a lot of frustration when developer Pearl Abyss separated from publisher Kakao Games. As a result, many players have lost their microtransactions or characters. The free Land of the Morning Light – Seoul cannot improve on all of this criticism, especially since the expansion is aimed more at veterans.
With the previous addon Land of the Morning Light, new heroes received an alternative entry point as well as the first version of the boss fights in the so-called “Boss Blitz” mode.
4th place: The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road
The new chapter of The Elder Scrolls Online got off to a pretty rocky start. Even before the launch, visitors to the public test server were annoyed that the western floodplains were too small compared to the regions of other chapters.
The Elder Scrolls Online – Gold Road launch trailer:
The Mirrormoor attacks Tamriel in the Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road launch trailer
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Even more serious was the feedback on the new scripture system, which allows you to adapt skills from different skill lines to your own needs. However, since only the Tamriel heroes have access to the new skills that Gold Road possesses, Pay2Win was accused of doing so.
The developers, on the other hand, have managed really well to give the Gold Road and the city of Skingrad, which are known from Oblivion, a modern look and to convey a feeling of “familiar, but still comprehensibly different”.
The bottom line is that many Tamriel heroes would like Zenimax to break away from the fixed chapter framework of previous years and offer more surprises and fresh gaming experiences in the future. Gold Road seems too much like “more of the same” in a new region.
The next page continues with places three to one in our power ranking.