112 new: Neighborhood survey after bang Utrechtse Lorentzlaan | Young people threaten girl in Maarssenbroek

112 new Neighborhood survey after bang Utrechtse Lorentzlaan Young

Province of Utrecht – In this blog we will keep you informed of the 112 news in the province of Utrecht. It is an overview of accidents, fires, crimes, traffic jams and disruptions in the region on Thursday, October 3.

10.50 pm: Bang in Lorentzlaan Utrecht, officers investigate the neighborhood

Residents of Lorentzlaan in Utrecht heard “a loud bang” around 9:50 p.m. The police could not yet say what happened, but a small part of the street has been cordoned off and officers are investigating the area. The fire brigade’s hazardous substances advisor was called first, but in the end he did not have to come. According to officers on the scene, there were no injuries.

© RBF Media

7.15 pm: Leidsche Rijntunnel is open again

The parallel lane of the Leidsche Rijntunnel is open again. The tunnel was closed due to loose cameras. Rijkswaterstaat has solved that problem. Delays on the road are decreasing.

6.51 pm: Closure of the Leidsche Rijn tunnel, certainly until after the evening rush hour

The parallel lane of the Leidsche Rijntunnel has been closed for some time due to loose cameras. According to Rijkswaterstaat, there appear to be more than expected. The recovery will therefore take until after the evening rush hour. Until then, the parallel carriageway of the A2 in a southerly direction will remain closed. The highway entrances near Utrecht are also closed.

According to the ANWB, the delay increased to at least an hour around 6:40 p.m. It is also stuck on the access roads around the highway. Traffic from Amsterdam should take a detour via Hilversum, the ANWB says.

5:04 PM: Teenage girl threatened in Maarssenbroek

A teenage girl from Maarssenbroek was threatened in a bicycle tunnel in Maarssenbroek on Tuesday afternoon. Just before she wanted to cycle into the tunnel towards the Spechtenkamp, ​​a girl jumped in front of her bicycle, forcing her to stop. The victim was verbally abused and threatened with a sharp object. A boy who appeared behind her opened her backpack.

More people arrived and soon the girl was surrounded by ten young people. They pulled the victim off her bicycle and pulled her hair. After a passerby walked towards the group, the girl managed to get away. She wasn’t injured. The police are investigating the incident and are looking for people who saw or heard something.

4.57 pm: Man arrested on suspicion of assault in Amerongen

A 74-year-old man was arrested on Monday on suspicion of assault in the forest of Amerongen. The police confirmed this after reporting the AD.

After a report of assault, the police found an injured woman and the man in the area of ​​Jan van Zuthpenweg. The man has been arrested on suspicion of assault. The police are still investigating what exactly happened.

3.31 pm: Leidsche Rijn tunnel closed after loose cameras

On the A2 near Utrecht, the parallel carriageway is closed in a southerly direction due to two loose cameras in the Leidsche Rijn tunnel. As soon as the trapped traffic is gone, Rijkswaterstaat can restore it. The entrances and exits of the highway near Utrecht are therefore closed in the direction of Den Bosch. Around 3:30 p.m., traffic was already at a standstill from Breukelen.

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© Rijkswaterstaat

3.10 pm: Lanes of the A27 closed after an accident

Two lanes are closed on the A27 towards Utrecht near Hagestein due to an accident. According to Rijkswaterstaat, the delay is half an hour. From the Everdingen junction it is therefore better to take a detour via the A2 and A12.

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© Rijkswaterstaat

1.23 pm: Mayor closes cafeteria in Houten

In Houten, a snack bar on the De Schaft business park must close its doors for the time being. The cafeteria does not have the correct permits. Mayor Isabella will impose a penalty from Saturday. This means that the owner can be fined 10,000 euros for each violation found.

The snack bar delivered food and had food taken away even though this is not allowed. Eating and drinking was also served on site, for which the cafeteria did not have a permit. The municipality and the police carried out checks after complaints about the company. It was stated, among other things, that the snack bar was open well outside opening hours. Customers also caused a nuisance with their cars and behavior when picking up food.

12.47 pm: Aggressive shoplifter in Baarn

An aggressive shoplifter was arrested in the Boni supermarket in Baarn this morning at 9:30 am, the police said. The 39-year-old man was aggressive towards staff and spat at them. Eventually they called the police and they arrested the man. When leaving the supermarket, the man had to wear a spit hood.

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© Caspar Huurdeman

9.56 am: Man is injured in stabbing Utrecht-Lunetten

A man was slightly injured in a stabbing near the Black Forest in Utrecht-Lunett last night. The victim was checked by an ambulance and did not need to be taken to hospital, a police spokesperson said.

The stabbing took place after an argument between two men got out of hand. They both have no permanent place of residence and know each other. No one has been arrested yet.

8:04 a.m.: Drywall blows onto the road

Plasterboard was blown onto the road on the A12 towards Utrecht near Harmelen this morning. Road inspectors have cleared the plasterboard and the lanes are free again, Rijkswaterstaat reports. The incident caused a major traffic jam with a delay of about 50 minutes.

6:24 am: Accident involving two trucks

An accident between two trucks and a car occurred this morning between the Maanderbroek junction and Veenendaal-West. As a result, two lanes were closed on the A12 between Arnhem and Utrecht. The cause of the accident is unknown. The road is now open again.
