Kathryn Hahn celebrates the queer twist of the Marvel series in an interview about Agatha All Along

Kathryn Hahn celebrates the queer twist of the Marvel series

Since September 19, 2024, the Marvel series Agatha All Along has been enchanting week after week as a mix of horror and comedy with arguing witches, magical escape rooms and unexpected singing performances. And while the big mystery surrounding the nameless teen hasn’t been solved yet, episode 4 has now revealed another secret that is Relationship status of Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) and Rio Vidal (Aubrey Plaza) finally clarified.

Warning, spoilers for Agatha All Along:

“Whenever you bring witches together, things get hot”: Kathryn Hahn in the Agatha All Along interview

There are already a few LGBTQ+ characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but their stories are still far too short. Agatha All Along is changing that now, because the series has more queer main characters than any other before. After episode 4 it is finally clear that Agatha and Rio have more in common than just intense looks.

We met Agatha actress Kathryn Hahn for an interview before the start and didn’t just talk about her Marvel return and set experiences. She also reveals why her character’s queer development is completely natural and why, in her opinion, witches enjoy cult status in LGBTQ+ culture.

Moviepilot: In Agatha All Along we see for the first time who the person really is behind the theatrical and evil facade. Which new facets did you particularly enjoy exploring?

Kathryn Hahn: You’ve already made the point. What excited me most was exploring what lies behind all the theater, performance and talk. This is clearly a protective wall built. It was exciting to start from the basics. She lost her power to Wanda, was under this spell and had no idea who she was. She’s kind of a wild creature trying to figure out what went wrong and who she is. That was a really exciting starting point to rebuild her, to who she was, to who she actually is.

Do you have a favorite scene or moment that you are particularly proud of?

Unfortunately I can’t reveal them, but there are a few. We were able to play in many different genres. This kind of detective world was really a lot of fun. I’ve always wanted to play one of those detectives in one of those serious prestige crime shows. [Serienschöpferin Jac Schaeffer] and I had a lot of fun experimenting with it.

There’s also a scene in episode 4 where the witches are singing while the room around them is on fire.

It was hot most of the time. Whenever you bring witches together, things get hot. But as a witch, I prefer to stay as far away from the fire as possible.

What surprised me were the many practical effects and backdrops. How did that influence your acting and your experience filming?

As an actress, you dream of being able to simply immerse yourself in your surroundings. And I have nothing against a green screen or a blue screen at all. But in this case it was so tangible. We always said it was like practical magic. Instead of an outsider pushing it on us, we were the ones who created the magic with each other. That’s what you dream of as an actor, being in a studio or on a stage, being able to look your fellow actors in the eyes and get everything you need from them. This experience was definitely more approachable and real.

From episode 1 onwards, the chemistry and sexual tension between Rio and Agatha is hard to miss. What was important to you in portraying Agatha’s queer side?

Agatha loves everyone – and probably has. Gender doesn’t matter. Love is love. Sex is sex. I don’t think Agatha can be pigeonholed.

Was it planned from the beginning that Agatha would be a queer character?

Honestly, it’s the natural progression. Of course she is [queer]. Of course she loves everyone. She is attracted to those she is attracted to. And of course she would never define herself as one or the other. But I would also say that about her relationship with Rio. For me it was more about the story between the two. This very complicated, obviously strained friendship between these two extraordinary women who both think each other is the greatest thing.

You and Aubrey Plaza are good friends. Did you have fun exploring this spicy dynamic?

We’ve never really worked together before. We were both on a show called Parks and Rec. I had a guest appearance on it, but our paths, our storylines never crossed. So that was the first real opportunity to play together and it was really fun.

We don’t even have [über ihre Anziehung] talked and tried to keep us away from each other. Which is strange for us because we usually joke around together. But here we really retreated to our own corners until the scene started. We didn’t need to talk to each other. The chemistry was just there, which was really exciting as an actress. [Aubrey] is fantastic.

After decades of villain queercoding, it’s refreshing to finally see an openly queer and iconic villain.

I accept that. I love the word “iconic,” and I love the word “queer.” This is all fantastic. And I am convinced that this series can inspire many viewers and be there for those who may have previously felt forgotten.

Why do you think villains and witches like Agatha are so popular and have such a big influence on LGBTQ culture?

Well, because a witch is very powerful. She is an outsider, historically persecuted and threatening because she is different. She does not submit to social norms and gains even more power in a community. Someone saying exactly what they mean and what they feel and waving their freak flag is definitely something I could relate to in high school.

This feeling of finding your own people is very exciting about being a witch. Just like the unknown and the mystery of a witch and what lies behind her cackling. I love the tension between the funny and the scary.

And of course they are always fantastically dressed.

[lacht] The most important point. The fabulous costumes.

Agatha All Along has been running since then September 19, 2024 on Disney+. Four episodes have already been released and five more are still to come. The next chapter follows on Thursday.
