Don’t you love yourself enough? Beware of these 7 toxic situations that you risk attracting

Dont you love yourself enough Beware of these 7 toxic

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    In psychology, self-esteem and self-esteem matter a lot. This could play a role and attract positive or negative, in our lives. And the lack of it often leads, unfortunately, to toxic situations. Here are the ones.

    Self-esteem and the love we can have for ourselves play a vital role in our lives. Also, it is not uncommon for individuals who lack it to frequently face toxic situations. Here are the ones.

    Unhealthy relationships with others

    Not loving yourself often leads to having bad relationships with others. For what ? Quite simply because we believe we don’t deserve better.

    You will then be content to maintain relationships with people who hurt you, because you are convinced that that is all you deserve. In reality, everyone deserves to be loved and respected. And remember that how others treat you reflects how you view and value yourself. So love yourself first and you will find that others will do the same.

    Constantly doubting yourself

    When we don’t value ourselves enough, we can also doubt our choices, regardless of the subject. This can range from a decision to make at work to how to dress to pursuing a romantic relationship. By learning to trust and love yourself, things change. We gain self-confidence and doubts disappear.

    Accepting less than you deserve

    Not loving yourself enough leads to accepting toxic situations. This could be working overtime at work or saying “yes” to everything. Often, we think that others will like us more by doing this. But that’s wrong. By setting standards and expectations, we teach others how to behave toward us. When we love ourselves, we know our worth and we refuse to accept less.

    Neglecting your personal needs

    Some people get so caught up in taking care of others that they forget about themselves. It’s easy to fall into this trap. Because if taking care of others ends up being to the detriment of yourself, it shows that you don’t love yourself enough. Taking care of yourself is not selfish, it is necessary. Loving yourself means recognizing your needs and making them a priority. It means listening to your body, tending to your mind, and nourishing your soul.

    Criticize your own achievements

    When we don’t love ourselves enough, we will tend to self-sabotage. Lack of self-esteem therefore makes one harsh on oneself: these individuals will tend to diminish their accomplishments, thinking that it was not that difficult or that anyone could have done it. The human brain has a natural tendency to focus more on negative experiences than positive ones. This is called negativity bias. By learning to love ourselves, we can fight against and celebrate all victories, no matter how small.

    Believing you are unworthy

    Some people are convinced that they are not worthy of love, happiness or success and can have a profound impact on their lives. Remember that your worth is not defined by your job, your appearance, your possessions, or what anyone else thinks of you.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    Stay in your comfort zone

    Finally, this behavior results in not taking any risks or trying new things. Whereas loving yourself enough pushes you to take risks and make mistakes. While remaining kind to yourself. It may be difficult at first, but it’s worth it.

    7 signs you're self-sabotaging (and how to break free from it!)

    Slide: 7 signs you’re self-sabotaging (and how to break free from it!)
