Your smartphone has a little-known feature that could literally save your life in the event of a serious problem. But you have to activate it and configure it before you need it.

Your smartphone has a little known feature that could literally save

Your smartphone has a little-known feature that could literally save your life in the event of a serious problem. But you have to activate it and configure it before you need it.

Although we tend to forget it, one of the original functions of cell phones was to allow us to notify our loved ones or emergency services in the event of an emergency. And even though our mobiles have become much more than just telephones over time, gradually transforming into real pocket computers, they can still fulfill this mission.

Moreover, all smartphones today are equipped with particularly practical functions for calling for help and notifying emergency services in the event of danger or need. On all Android phones in particular, a very useful but often forgotten system is specifically designed for this use: emergency SOS.

Under this name are grouped several functions allowing you to quickly and easily contact the emergency services or trusted people in the event of an emergency, and even to automatically transmit your geographical position. All these options are in the app Settingsand in the section Security and emergency.


If activated in the settings, the emergency SOS function is triggered by pressing the On/Off button 5 times of the phone, often located on the right edge of the device. By default, SOS emergency displays on the screen the list of emergency services saved in the phone, so that you can call them very quickly, without having to dial the numbers manually or even unlock the phone with a code.

But the system goes even further and allows you to program actions that are triggered automatically when emergency SOS is launched. For example; it is possible to configure an automatic call to an emergency service, after a few seconds, when emergency SOS is triggered. This can be very useful if you don’t have the time or the possibility to make the call manually, in the event of discomfort or aggression for example.

Along the same lines, another option allows you to automatically send an SMS containing information, including your geographic location, to trusted people chosen from your contacts. The sending of the SMS can be triggered automatically, either after calling an emergency service or after a prolonged period of telephone inactivity, which is very useful for dependent, sick or elderly people.

And in terms of health, the system also allows you to enter vital medical information, such as your blood group, allergies or current treatments, which will then be displayed on the Emergency SOS screen, even if the phone is locked. Suffice it to say that this little medical sheet could literally save your life, by allowing emergency services to administer the right medications, in the event of severe allergic shock, serious injury or discomfort, for example!

It is therefore definitely worth taking a few minutes to correctly configure the functions of the emergency SOS system. Add contacts to notify in the event of a problem and check that their contact details are up to date, complete your medical form with all important information and activate the sending of automatic SMS to your loved ones in the event of danger, so many little things that will not take not much time and can perhaps save you from the worst.
