Israeli bombings cause mass exodus to Syria

Israeli bombings cause mass exodus to Syria

Israeli strikes in Lebanon provoke a mass exodus towards Syria. 100,000 refugees have crossed the border according to the UN. A figure that doubled in two days. Very long queues are reported at crossing points.

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L’NGO Première Urgence Internationale installs makeshift shelters and solar panels near border posts. “ There are about 10 000 people right on the border », explains Ahed Alezzo, head of the mission Syria of the NGO. “ In the meantime, there are people who have spent the night, crossing the borders on foot. Yes, there are definitely difficulties. »

In the queue, many Syrians who fled the civil war 10 years ago, without being opposed to the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

The majority of Syrian people who remain Lebanon can return to Syria », adds Ahed Alezzo who underlines: “ There are many women and children. Many people who are in the Bekaa, who are workers too. They’re not going to find another [endroit] in Lebanon, that is why they return to Syria. »

Heading for Damascus or to Amman in Jordan

Syria is also often easier to access from the bombed Bekaa than from northern Lebanon.

But it’s not just Syrians who are heading to Damascus. According to Ahed Alezzo, almost half of those who cross the border are Lebanese. They sometimes have a house or acquaintances in Syria.

Others will go as far as Amman, Jordan, to take the plane more easily than in Beirut.

Also readLebanon: faced with Israeli bombings, the population is trying to flee by all means
