Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: a bad result in the presidential election, a call to vote Le Pen

Nicolas Dupont Aignan a bad result in the presidential election a

DUPONT-AIGNAN. With only 2.1% of the vote, the result of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan in the 2022 presidential election is disappointing in view of his result 5 years ago, where he had reached 4.7%.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan obtained nearly 2.1% of the vote in the first round of the presidential election, this Sunday April 10, 2022, according to the final results communicated by the Ministry of the Interior on Monday April 11. The candidate of Debout la France is therefore eliminated from this ballot and does not reach the second round, as 5 years ago. During the last presidential election, NDA had reached 4.70% of the votes cast: this time, the dynamic of the useful vote which irrigated the election did it a disservice, since the far-right electorate turned to Marine Le Pen, who rose to 23.15% of the vote. Not to mention the surprise candidacy that shook up the election: that of Eric Zemmour, who finished with 7.1% of the vote. The sovereignist, identity and pro-“freedom” lineage of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan therefore did not arouse the expected enthusiasm. In his speech after the results were announced on Wednesday, he called on his voters to vote for Marine Le Pen, similar to how they did in 2017 when they struck a ‘pact’ for him to stand behind her for the second round, in exchange for the post of Prime Minister if she won.
