Is Esapekka Lapi’s World Cup rally career over? An expert lashes out at Finnish drivers for the “avalanche of problems” | Sport

Is Esapekka Lapis World Cup rally career over An

Sami Pajari took advantage of his screen position, but Esapekka Lapi’s continuation in the World Series seems difficult. Urheilu’s expert Henri Haapamäki summarizes the events of the World Rally Championship in Chile.

11:00•Updated 12:00

Kalle Rovanperä showed his ability to stretch in difficult and surprising situations with his victory in the World Rally Championship in Chile.

Toyota’s Finnish ace tore away the seconds that decided the race for victory on Saturday evening in a special test run in dense fog.

– When the difficult conditions started, Kalle hit hard and made a big difference to Elfyn Evans. Kalle looked in the awkward fog from which tree he was carved. It has been seen many times before that Kalle attacks really violently when difficult or special conditions start, Urheilu’s expert Henri Haapamäki amount.

Rovanperä maintained his solid lead on the final day’s special tests.

– Masterful performance once again. As a Finn, it’s unbelievably great to follow Kalle’s performances. Once again, deafening proof of why Kalle is currently the best rally car driver in the world. Good and confident performance, Haapamäki wrapped Rovanperä’s performance.

Pajari took advantage of its important screen position

Sami Pajari drove only the second race of his career in a Rally1 car in Chile. Fourth place in the Finnish World Rally Championship was now followed by sixth place.

Pajari, who drove a Toyota, gets full recognition from Haapamäki, even though he had to back up in harsh conditions.

– Exactly the kind of display that Toyota wants from him at the moment. Safe, sensible experience gathering and mileage recovery. No fooling around or crashing. After all, there was a really good pace in places, if compared to many other first-timers, Haapamäki estimates.

– Sami is a young and up-and-coming guy. Many of those who entered the series have taken a really long time to get up to speed in the top three or top five. This bodes well for Sam until this autumn, when the division of stable places begins, Haapamäki believes.

Pajari will get the Rally1 car under him for the next World Cup rally in Central Europe.

Did Lappi drive his last World Cup rally?

Esapekka for Lapland The World Rally Championship in Chile was a harrowing experience. Lappi had to stop on Sunday before the last special test, when he scrapped the front of his Hyundai for the second time.

Lapland does not have a contract for the coming season. It is quite possible that he was seen for the last time participating in the World Cup Rally. Lappi himself has announced that he is not willing to drive a full season anymore.

– It’s a bad thing to say, but there’s no denying that even this rally was painfully difficult for Esapeka. Autumn will surely be pretty merciless for him when the stable places are distributed. But let’s hope that he will still find a role in the World Rally Championship. The continuation of “Esup’s” career looks a bit bad now, Haapamäki punted.

Has Lapland’s motivation begun to falter?

– I’m sure it’s a bit like this. Especially if the rally gets off to a bad start, it’s very difficult for Lapland to gather his motivation again.

– An avalanche of problems has often started, as was the case now. Mistakes, small hits start to appear and the smile fades from the face. It shouldn’t be like this. When you’re riding on top of the world, you have to fight until the end, no matter what the situation is, Haapamäki emphasizes.

So the future of Lapland is still shrouded in darkness, but his map reader Janne Ferm told about the end of his career in Chile. The long-lasting cooperation between Lapland and Fermi started already in 2010.

Read more: Esapekka Lapland’s map reader Janne Ferm retires from the World Series

Neuville almost certain champion, team championship still open

Hyundai driver Thierry Neuville is very close to his first world championship. Belgian Neuville’s lead over his Estonian teammate To Ott Tänak has 29 points, so the championship can very well be secured in the next Central European World Rally Championship.

– It (the championship) is a pretty sure thing. It takes real bad luck for Neuville not to become a champion, says Haapamäki.

The fight for the team championship intensified when Toyota won a tough points pot from Chile. Hyundai is leading by 17 points over Toyota.

– An ordinary street passer may not even be able to think that the team championship is a really important thing for car factories. Toyota is now in second place and breathing down Hyundai’s neck. The last World Cup rally will still be held in Japan, i.e. Toyota’s home corner. If the climax stretches all the way there, it makes for a really exciting show.

– The championship can have far-reaching effects on the fact that teams usually stay in the World Series, Haapamäki reminds.



1. Kalle Rovanperä, Toyota
2. Elfyn Evans, Toyota +23.4
3. Ott Tänak, Hyundai +43.9
4. Thierry Neuville, Hyundai +1.01.1
5. Adrien Fourmaux, Ford +2.02,7
6. Sami Pajari, Toyota +2.39,7
7. Gregoire Munster, Ford +2.47,7
8. Yohan Rossel, Citroen/WRC2 +8.31,4
9. Nikolai Grjazin, Citroen/WRC2 +8.48,7
10. Gus Greensmith, Skoda/WRC2 +8.52,1
11. Oliver Solberg, Skoda/WRC2 +8.57,5
12. Kajetan Kajetanowicz, Skoda/WRC2 +11.58,0


1. Sebastien Ogier, Toyota 33.37,3
2. Kalle Rovanperä, Toyota +8.2
3. Elfyn Evans, Toyota +16.5
4. Ott Tänak, Hyundai +18.5
5. Thierry Neuville, Hyundai +25.6
6. Adrien Fourmaux, Ford +47.9
7. Sami Pajari, Toyota +58.4


1. Sebastien Ogier, Toyota 4.29,2
2. Kalle Rovanperä, Toyota +0.1
3. Ott Tänak, Hyundai +2.6
4. Thierry Neuville, Hyundai +3.8
5. Elfyn Evans, Toyota +4.0


1. Thierry Neuville, Hyundai 207
2. Ott Tänak, Hyundai 178
3. Sebastien Ogier, Toyota 166
4. Elfyn Evans, Toyota 161
5. Adrien Fourmaux, Ford 140
6. Kalle Rovanperä, Toyota 114
7. Takamoto Katsuta, Toyota 80
8. Dani Sordo, Hyundai 44
9. Sami Pajari, Toyota 41
10. Esapekka Lappi, Hyundai 33


1. Hyundai 482
2. Toyota 465
3. Ford 245
