Analysis: Austrian election won by Nazi-founded party, good news for Putin | Foreign countries

Analysis Austrian election won by Nazi founded party good news for

The Freedom Party has not condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Pro-Russia sentiment is getting stronger in Central Europe.

Anna Karismo

29.9. 22:51•Updated 29.9. 22:54

VIENNA “Herbert, Herbert…” echoed in the center of Vienna on Sunday evening, when the far-right freedom party FPÖ, who led to the best election result ever Herbert Kickl arrived to greet his supporters.

The election result in Austria is yet another indication of European voters turning more and more towards right-wing populism.

The far right grew to become the biggest force in Austria for the first time since World War II.

Pro-Russia is getting stronger

Kickl considers the prime minister of Hungary to be his role model Viktor Orbán, which has systematically dismantled democratic freedoms.

He has promised to follow Orbán’s example in his politics, which is why other Austrian parties do not want to cooperate with him.

However, Kickl may exclude himself from the government’s deliberations.

If the Freedom Party succeeds in getting into government, the anti-EU and pro-Russia populist bloc will strengthen in Central Europe. It already includes Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

The Freedom Party has not agreed to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine either.

The victory of a party based on Nazi ideology is good news for Russia to Vladimir Putinbecause the possibilities of this to sow discontent in the heart of Europe are improving.

Kickl wants power

The Freedom Party got about 29 percent of the votes. It is almost three percentage points more than the centre-right People’s Party ÖVP, which suffered a big loss, received.

The social democratic party SPÖ, which had the worst result in its history, came third in the elections. The Liberals’ NEOS surpassed the Greens in support.

Kickl said in the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation’s election night debate that his party should lead the next government.

– The result could not be clearer, and the will of the people must be respected, Kickl said.

“Fortress Austria”

The Freedom Party was founded by former Nazi veterans and members of the SS.

Kickl said in his election campaign that immigrants must be returned to their home countries. He also threatened to turn Austria into a “fortress” that would keep out immigrants.

After the Russian invasion, a lot of refugees, especially from Ukraine, have come to Austria in recent years.

Kickl said that he would aspire to be the Austrians’ “people’s chancellor” if he wins the election. Also Adolf Hitler titled himself the People’s Chancellor.

Since the other parties do not want to cooperate with Kickli, he will hardly become chancellor.

Difficult government negotiations ahead

However, the great victory of the Freedom Party and the great defeat of the center-right and Democrats means that the Freedom Party has a good chance of entering the government without Kickli.

Kickl said on Sunday evening that he is ready to negotiate the formation of a government with all the other four parties that have passed the parliament.

According to some estimates, the center-right party and the Social Democrats could try to form a government with the liberal party NEOS, which has also grown in popularity.

The election showed the division of Austria between the cities and the countryside. While the Social Democrats won in Vienna, in several small municipalities in the state of Lower Austria surrounding Vienna, the Freedom Party won more than half of the votes.
