Many games have little things that disappoint or infuriate us gamers. These 5 design sins are particularly unpopular.
Each of you probably knows 1-2 examples of things that just annoy you every time in game design. Some gamers on Reddit have now collected suggestions for exactly such design sins in games.
The post garnered over 2,500 comments within 16 hours. Some of the answers have several thousand upvotes. We picked out the design souths with the most upvotes and translated them. These are the top 5 answers.
A cutscene that you have to see again every time you are defeated
What kind of sin is this? You start a boss fight and an epic video sequence begins, which sets the scene for the upcoming duel even more dramatically. But your fight is not crowned with success and you fall to the ground. You have lost and try again.
The video sequence before the boss fight starts again and you notice: There is no option to skip. Now you have to watch the full cutscene every time you lose the fight and start over.
How unpopular is sin? On Reddit, the suggestion garnered over 6,500 upvotes (as of September 29, 2:40 p.m.)
Lack of ability to quickly jump to the end of a list
What kind of sin is this? The design sin describes the lack of a way to quickly jump to the end of a list by pressing up in that list. So you then have to scroll down the entire list to get to the end.
How unpopular is sin? On Reddit, the suggestion garnered over 4,100 upvotes (as of September 29, 2:40 p.m.)
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Points of no return that are not marked
What kind of sin is this? In many games you will eventually reach a point of no return. You are now making an important decision or have progressed so far in the story that you now have to finish the campaign in one go. If you want to complete certain side quests or collect achievements, you should do so beforehand.
It’s annoying now when the game doesn’t warn you that there will be no turning back once the next mission starts.
How unpopular is sin? On Reddit, the suggestion garnered over 2,600 upvotes (as of September 29, 2:40 p.m.)
Completing the game is unnecessarily complicated
What kind of sin is this? You don’t feel like gaming anymore or you should slowly go to sleep and so press “End game”. Of course, here you have to confirm that you really want to end the game.
However, the game doesn’t close afterwards, it just sends you to the menu. When starting the menu, you of course have to briefly press any key and skip the intro or a cinematic trailer. Then you are in the menu and can finally close the game – after you confirm again that you are really sure.
How unpopular is sin? On Reddit, the suggestion garnered over 2,100 upvotes (as of September 29, 2:40 p.m.)
Inappropriate speed when following an NPC
What kind of sin is this? Almost every role-playing game has a quest in which you have to follow an NPC. In some games you are the escort, in some you just chat with the NPC while taking a leisurely walk and in still other titles you have to inconspicuously shadow the character.
However, what is usually a very easy task becomes unnecessarily complicated and annoying when the NPC has a completely different running speed than you. You then walk haltingly through the streets, as if you had a stone in your shoe and were trying to move it to a less annoying place in the shoe.
It is more pleasant if the walking speed of the player and the NPC is synchronized in such missions and you cannot walk too fast or too slow.
How unpopular is sin? On Reddit, the suggestion garnered over 1,800 upvotes (as of September 29, 2:40 p.m.)
In the comments on Reddit, numerous design tricks are mentioned that I’m sure everyone of you knows – like not hiding loot behind a waterfall. There are also doors that look like you can open them, but they don’t open.
However, there are various sins not only in game design. We players are not innocent lambs either. Gamers also have a variety of sins that they commit over and over again while playing: Save Scumming and cheating – gamers confess their biggest gaming sins