TPMP columnists have “rich people’s problems” with their apartments and luxury cars

TPMP columnists have rich peoples problems with their apartments and

One of the TPMP columnists shared his problems as a rich person and did not fail to show that he was making millions. Enough to make people react.

This is a new slap in the face for C8 and for Cyril Hanouna. While this summer, Arcom, the media regulator, had decided not to renew the channel’s terrestrial frequency, threatening the future of its flagship programs like Touche Pas à Mon Poste, the Council of State rejected on Tuesday an appeal from the Canal+ group. Despite the chin blows and the announcements of counterattack from the PAF star, C8 is therefore still doomed to disappear, enough to threaten both its business and that of its columnists.

Guillaume Genton, one of the regulars of TPMP, was also moved when he returned to the set of the suspended show: “It was someone from the channel who called me. I thought that it was a joke, I didn’t believe it… And then, I said to myself: ‘I’m going to close all my businesses’, I’m going to stop doing TPMP. I didn’t actually know anything. I thought it was the end…” He also spoke about the difficult life of a millionaire and television star, during a funny sequence in which he testified to the millions lost through lack of vigilance , or even the naivety of young rich people like him.

“I’m not ashamed to say it, I lost 3 or 4 million euros on stupid things!”, he blurted. Before detailing in a somewhat disjointed manner: “When you are a young boy… Well, I come from the provinces, I had no friends, no girls, no one was interested in me… And… ‘Suddenly you have money, everyone wants to be friends with you (…). You spend, you do anything, you’re drunk. Porsche, three apartments for rent…”


As if the list was not enough, Cyril Hanouna, very close to his columnist, felt obliged to add more: “Every time I saw you, I said to you ‘but how do you do it?’, he has a lifestyle… He is unfollowable!” Enough to obviously make another columnist react, the anti-vax lawyer Fabrice Di Vizio, who did not miss the opportunity for a clash by comparing this week the vicissitudes of Guillaume Genton to “problems of the rich” on two found themselves on the TPMP set on Tuesday and the atmosphere quickly turned sour.

“Are you the judge of morality as to whether we spent our money well or not?” asked Guillaume Genton, denying himself having “whined”, “aware of being privileged”. To which the lawyer retorted: “I don’t care about your life at all. It’s called freedom of expression…” After several battles, Fabrice Di Vizio ended up apologizing. On social networks, however, criticism remained strong on this sequence described as “abject”, “absolute emptiness” and on the “extraordinary salaries” of the columnists.

Aged 31, Guillaume Genton became known as a rap specialist on the radio, then a protégé of Jean-Marc Morandini before TPMP. Owner of his production company, he assured in the media that he started “by selling small stories to NRJ 12, C8”, then “documentaries and streaming programs for France TV or Canal+”. In 2019, he launched into graphic design, in particular the 3D design of shows based on augmented reality, with clients such as “Amazon, Netflix, Endemol, TF1”. He also owns a communications agency and a music publishing studio.
