All about Vlad Reiser: Girlfriend, parents and the melody festival

All about Vlad Reiser Girlfriend parents and the melody festival

Vlad Reiser age – how old is he?

Vlad Reiseror Vladislav Meleshchenkov as his real name is, was born on May 7, 1993, which makes him 32 years old in 2025.

Vlad Reiser height – how tall is he?

Many would like to know how tall Vlad Reiser is. But it is not something he has spoken about. However, he posed on stage during Melodifestivalen 2019 next to the artist Malou Prytz as per Happened is 157 centimeters tall.

Andreas Johnson, Margret, Hanna Ferm, Liamoo, Jan Malmsjö, Vlad Reiser, Malou Prytz, Oscar Enestad at the presentation of the artists in Melodifestivalen part two in Malmö Arena on Thursday. Photo Johan Nilsson / TT
Vlad Reiser’s girlfriend – who is she?

Vlad Reiser’s girlfriend Thea Nyberg20, frequents Vlad Reiser’s video blog on YouTube. In one episode, the influencer talks about how they met.

– You stared at me to pieces, he says to Thea Nyberg in the vlog.

He made the assumption that she must have recognized him from his Youtube videos. But to his surprise, she had never heard of him before. Instead, she started asking lots of questions about his life.

– You were very forward, I liked that, he tells her in the clip.

But parts of the couple’s relationship have also made headlines. It was during a trip to the Indonesian island of Gili Air that Thea Nyberg contracted dengue fever.

The YouTuber chose to film her and it was clear that Thea Nyberg felt very bad. For this he has been criticized and many thought it was unpleasant that he posted videos that showed the girlfriend in such a vulnerable state.

In a comment to The location Vlad Reiser responded to the criticism.

“Being open about both the good and difficult moments in our lives is something that both Thea and I see as essential”

He adds: “Thea approves all posts before they are published”

Thea Nyberg also signs it:

“Being sick is not something that needs to be kept a secret, I don’t mind showing myself when I’m sick,” she writes to the magazine.

DON’T MISS: Vlad: “I got death threats until I changed my mind”

Vlad Reiser’s parents – who are they?

Vlad Reiser’s mother is often seen on his social media and also in his vlogs. Despite that, the influencer and singer has never told what mother’s name is. Something he chooses to talk about in one of his vlogs is how close they both are. During one episode, it celebrates the mother’s birthday with a Yoga session and gym.

He tells me that mother had to choose herself, had she probably wanted a yacht that Jeff Bezos or the Continental Bentley GT. But she believes that the best gift she received was her son Vlad Reiser.

Vlad Reiser’s father is also involved a lot in YouTube’s content creation. But the father’s name is not official either. In an interview on the YouTube channel “Dialogiskt” he says that it was his father who introduced the camera to his life. It was when they lived in 20 square meters just after they moved to Sweden. That in turn led Vlad Reiser to start vlogging.

In one of Vlad’s Reiser vlogs, he also talks about his father being in prison in Germany. When he asks the father why, he shrugs and answers:

– It was the 90s. Russian mafia, he laughs in the video.

Vlad Reiser about growing up

On the YouTube channel “Dialogiskt” the creator says that as a child he used to listen to Rammstein. He had the album “Reise, Reise” and since he did not speak German, he associated it with the English word “rise”, which means to rise up.

He describes his tough upbringing and how the album inspired him to take the stage name “Reiser”.

When he was 9 years old, he moved to Sweden from Belarus with his parents.

– You could say I have two cultures. I have my childhood in Belarus and my adult life in Sweden, he says during the interview.

He remembers his first time in Sweden as very positive.

Vlad Reiser says that he was already influenced by Western culture through films as a child, but that a visit to Sweden strengthened his impression.

– I thought ‘Wow’, what a developed culture. I remember being inside Ica Maxi and seeing all the cool toys and loads of candy in a regular store. It was really cool, he says in the clip.

When his parents asked if he wanted to move to Sweden, he answered yes without hesitation. But adolescence proved more difficult.

READ MORE: Vlad Reiser faces hate storm after video of him rating young girls

Photo: Maja Suslin/TT

He describes that there were often conflicts at home, and that he had a tough time at school. At the Russian-Swedish school he met Daniel Norlin, who later became his partner on the YouTube channel. When he started the fifth grade, he switched to Husby school, but his schooling deteriorated despite his previous good performance.

He started truancy, and according to himself it was because he didn’t enjoy school.

After high school, he started a gym with his mother, but after a year he injured his back in a skiing accident. The injury resulted in a critical herniated disc that forced him to quit the gym business.

This period affected him deeply.

– The doctors warned that I might have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, he says during the interview.

But after many years of rehab exercises, he managed to recover.

Vlad Reiser Melodifestivalen

Vlad Reiser participated in Melodifestivalen 2019 with the song “Nakna i regnen”, which was written by Lukas Nathansson, John Hårleman, Chris Enberg and himself. He competed in the second heat and went on to Second Chance, but was eliminated there..

There was also a lot of controversy surrounding his performance as he was accused of buying votes in the competition as he promised in a YouTube clip to share 20 percent of the money with his followers if he won.

In a comment to The evening paper he responded to the criticism:

– I see it more like we should celebrate together, he said then.

DON’T MISS: Vlogger Vlad opens the door for Youtubers in Melodifestivalen

Jonas Ekströmer/TTVlad Reiser Instagram

My name is Vlad Reiser vladreiser on Instagram.

READ MORE: Youtube star Vlad forgot the name of his Mello song
