Salaries, Orsini: in the public sector they have not increased for 20 years, it is normal for the average to decline

Salaries Orsini in the public sector they have not increased

(Finance) – The president of Confindustria, Emmanuel Orsinideclared that the stagnation of the salaries in Italy it is mainly due to sector public. “We represent 4.5 million workers out of 20 million. It is logical that if the public has not increased their salary for 20 years, our average will drop”, he declared speaking at the Confindustria Alto Adriatico assembly. “In the second half of the year we managed to increase by 4.1%, reducing the share of inflation by 1.1%. We can always do better, because this is the truth, but the real issue is that here too to do better we need to increase productivity“.

“This country must ensure that there is aimmigration obviously controlled, with Italian language training in the country of origin”, underlined the president of Confindustria. “Today there are 700 thousand people retiring, there are 500 thousand newborns in Italy”, therefore “there will be a large gap in Work. The cost of the gap between supply and demand for labor for our companies is around 40 billion a year,” he said.

Orsini then recalled that in Italy “we have two million Neetyoung people who do not work or study, and we must say that they are a great resource. We must make sure that they feel that they are part of a country project. We have to make sure these kids see perspective.”
