This is how those notified at Northvolt will have a chance to stay in Västerås: “World-unique competence”

Västerås wants to be able to give the people who lose their jobs support and help to match them to other jobs at companies in the city. The goal is for the people and their families to be able to stay in the municipality.

– We try to work so that we minimize the consequences of the situation that Northvolt is now in, says Staffan Jansson (S).

School can be affected

In Västerås there will be an international school from 2022 for students between the ages of 5 and 16. The student base comes partly from children of parents who work at Northvolt.

– It is important that we mobilize and help the school in this transition, says Staffan Jansson (S).

What support the school needs and to what extent is currently unclear.
