Fouad’s USA: Jim hunts migrants on his ranch – “Donald Trump’s wall saves lives”

Jim Chilton was a Democrat for a long time, he says, but switched to the Republicans when, according to him, the Democrats abandoned common sense and became increasingly left-leaning.

With an area of ​​over 200 square kilometers, Jim Chilton’s ranch is vast and almost as big as the entire city of Stockholm, or the municipality of Kumla. Nine kilometers of the ranch borders Mexico. In some places there is the wall that Donald Trump built. On other lower car barriers.

Jim: We have to close the border

Several times Jim Chilton has found human remains on his ranch.

– I think we have to close the border, and stop people from dying, he says.

The immigration issue is one of the most important election issues among voters in the United States, and especially in the wave master state of Arizona. Opinion in the state is very even between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and voters generally have more confidence in Trump on immigration issues.

Jim Chilton votes for Trump, wants the wall to be completed – and for more migrants to come to the US legally. Hear his reasoning and watch people flee across his ranch in the video.
