Weird sports you didn’t know existed

Weird sports you didnt know existed


Are you a Star Wars fan? Then this sport could be something for you. LudoSport lightsaber fencing is a sport where participants duel with lightsabers, which consist of a metal shaft and a luminous plastic blade. According to LudoSports official website, the sport was founded in Milan, Italy, in 2006 and has since spread to several countries in Europe and America, including Sweden.

The LudoSports World Championship is expected to be held in Paris in December.

Chess boxing

People say that chess is the ultimate intellectual sport. But if you want to follow the ancient Roman advice and cultivate a “healthy mind in a healthy body” chessboxing may be just what you need!

Chess boxing is a sport that, just as the name suggests, combines chess and boxing. The players take turns playing rapid chess and are boxed in rounds until one of them wins in either discipline or the opponent surrenders.

Each match begins with a four-minute round of rapid chess, followed by three minutes of boxing. In total, the contestants can go up to 11 rounds, where the win can be reached through either checkmate or knockout.

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Looking for something to do with your partner? Kärringkånk, also known as kärringbrøning, is a running sport in which male participants compete by running while carrying a female teammate. The sport originated in Sonkajärvi, Finland, where the world championships are held every year.

The prize for the win is then made up of the woman’s weight in beer.

Extreme ironing

Extreme ironing or extreme ironing (EI) in English is an extreme sport where people take ironing boards to remote locations and iron items of clothing. According to Extreme Ironing Bureau is Extreme ironing “the latest danger sport that combines the thrill of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt.”

Examples of places where extreme ironing has been practiced include mountaintops, cliff faces, under water and ice, on ski slopes while skiing, on highways, and in the air during skydiving. A fascinating variation of the sport is bungee ironing, where participants try to iron clothes while doing a bungee jump.

Matthew Battley is one of those who practice the least unusual sport. In an interview with Meal magazine he tells of when he climbed Mount Ruapehu — an active volcano on New Zealand’s North Island, where winds of up to 130 kilometers per hour whip across the summit — to iron a shirt.

“Unfortunately, the iron doesn’t do a very good job of ironing clothes in the wilderness, but it’s still a pretty pointless project because you usually put the garment back in a bag right after ironing,” he said at the time.

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Muggle Quidditch

Are you one of the many who dreamed of receiving a letter from Hogwarts? This could be a sport that takes you one step closer to your dream. Muggle Quidditch, officially known as quadball, is a team sport that was created according to their official website in 2005 at Middlebury College in Vermont, USA.

The sport is inspired by the fictional game in the Harry Potter books, written by JK Rowling. But unlike the books’ magical elements like flying broomsticks, this variant is played out in real life. Two teams of seven players, pretending to ride broomsticks, compete on a rectangular court with the goal of getting a ball through the opponents’ hoops, while defending their own.

The rules of the game are governed by the International Quadball Association (IQA) and the World Championships are held every August in Howard County, USA.

Snap view

Maybe you thought you started reading a completely different article, but we’re still talking about sports. The Swedish Championship in newly written schnapps songs is an annual competition that has been organized by the Spritmuseum (formerly the Wine & Spirits History Museum) since 1995, with the aim of promoting the creation and performance of new schnapps songs.

The jury presents the competition entries, which are anonymous to hide the author’s identity. After that, five entries are selected to go on to the WC on 16 November.

Patrick Mårtensson was one of eight competitors during the SM in September. In an interview with Middle he talks about the expectations he had before the championship:

– I have no idea how it will go for me, I can only hope that the jury has the same “sense of humor” as I do. If you laugh at it yourself, then you are on the right track.


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