Tatas are the best to fulfill this role (they manage better than parents)

Tatas are the best to fulfill this role they manage

In the eyes of children, aunts represent much more than a member of the family. Tatas are also better than parents at fulfilling this role, which is essential in a child’s life.

Having an aunt close to home is a boon for parents, who can from time to time entrust their children to pick them up from school, take them to their sports activities or simply spend time with them. Tatas are generally a “second mother”, but in the eyes of children, they represent much more than that.

The bond is different from the one that children have with parents: she shares unique moments with them, introduces them to her passions, organizes outings… She’s a bit like the adult “good friend” that everyone dreams of to have, especially when the aunt is a little younger than mom or dad. Very often, the auntie also represents a role model: little girls want to be like her when they grow up. A unique bond that has benefits for the whole family.

Indeed, reprimands being reserved for parents, children are more attentive when it comes to giving them advice. Being an aunt is also an opportunity to get young people to ask somewhat taboo questions, and to confide problems that they would not dare to expose to their parents. The tatas then play the role of confidante better than anyone. “When I was little, I remember asking my aunt for advice about one of my first lovers, I was completely lost, I didn’t dare talk to my mother about it, and she helped me put things into perspective “confides to us Myriam, now 35 years old.

Whether it concerns topics related to first periods, first loves, school results, sexuality, tobacco consumption, the future and professional orientation, school bullying or friends who turn on us the back… In all these stages of life which can impact the morale of young and old who generally do not dare to confide easily, an attentive and caring ear is essential.

And the tatas are the best to guide them. “With my nephews and nieces who are now teenagers, I talk about sexuality without taboo, I know their relationships, and I can advise them as an adult. They tell me everything down to the smallest detail, because they know that our conversations will remain confidential.”explains Anna, aunt of five nephews and nieces. Of course, everything depends on the family: many parents are attentive to the needs of their children and talk openly about all these subjects to support them as best they can…
