Anfia, car imports increasing: +6.8% in the first six months of 2024

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(Finance) – In the first six months of 2024, theimport of motor vehicles new in value to Italy is growing (+6.8% compared to the first six months of 2023). Both the industrial vehicle sector and the carsshow increases in imports (+6.0% and +12.7% respectively). On the contrary, exports in value are decreasing compared to that of the first six months of 2023, -15.8%: the value of industrial vehicles, in the analyzed period, 2024, drops by 1.0%; exported cars, however, fell by 21.0%. The balance is negative by approximately 9.9 billion euros for cars and positive by approximately 776 million for vehicles industrial. This is what emerges from the focus of Anfia on the automotive trade in June.

While the import of motor vehicles originates almost entirely from villages Europeans (89.5% of the total imported value), exports to Europe represent, in the period January-June 2024, 60.5% of the total. Among the destination countries non-Europeansthe United States remains the first market (18.9%), followed by Japan (3.8%) e Algeria (2.4%).

As regards the sector of componentsin the period analysed, both imports fell by 7.4% and exports fell by 1.8%, with a positive balance of around 3.5 billion euros (it was 2.9 billion in the same period period of 2023). THE’Europe it represents 79.1% of the import value and 79.5% of the export value. Outside the European continent, the first macro-area of ​​origin is theAsiafrom which Italy imports 13.7% of parts and components (in value), while the first macro-area of ​​export destination is North America: 9.6% of the total.

The country from which we import and export the most automotive components is Germanywhich respectively represents 24.1% of imports and 19.9% ​​of exports of the Italian trade. Following, in order, to complete the Top3, are France and Poland in terms of both imports and exports.
