This study is clear: the best candidates for a driving license were born that year

This study is clear the best candidates for a driving

Candidates who were born in this year achieve the best results in the driving license exam.

According to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen established in France in 1789, men are born and remain free and equal in rights. However, it is likely that they are not all born equal when it comes to the driving test. Indeed, a recent study carried out by the driving school En Voiture Simone gave unequivocal results: depending on the year of birth of the candidates, the results of the driving license exam can vary enormously. This is the case in 2024, the year for which the online driving school dissected the performance of students born between 2000 and 2006 with a minimum of 300 candidates for each age group.

Result: of the seven years of birth taken into account, four saw their candidates obtain more than 50% success, which means that for the other three more than one candidate in two failed in their quest to obtain the license to drive. You should know that every year more than a million unique candidates take the practical exam for a national success rate of around 55% in recent years. Among the students born in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 who passed their license with the En Voiture Simone driving school, only those born in 2006 obtained a higher success rate.


And not just a little. The 2006 generation may have a little something extra when it comes to getting behind the wheel of a car. According to the results received, 62.9% of candidates who turned 18 in 2024 passed the exam favorably, or close to two out of three registered. Those born in 2005 (51.96%), 2002 (51.53%) and 2001 (51.38%) collectively reached the average. Which is not the case for 2000, 2003 and 2004.

The bad students are those who came into the world in 2003. With only 45.73% of candidates having their little plastic card symbolizing a lot of freedom, they are the dunces of the class. With respectively 46.53% and 47.80% success, the 2000 and 2004 have nothing to brag about either. However, some will be able to defend themselves, not all the footballers born in 1972 had the genius of Zinedine Zidane, any more than the tennis players of 1981 can boast of possessing the shots of Roger Federer.
