Kamala Harris promises firmness during trip to border with Mexico

Kamala Harris promises firmness during trip to border with Mexico

While the presidential campaign in the United States is in full swing, the issue of immigration and the security of the southern border is very high on the priorities of public opinion, and therefore of the candidates. Democrat Kamala Harris was Friday, September 27 near the border between the United States and Mexico, in Arizona, one of the key states in this election.

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The Republicans say, immigration is a weakness in Kamala Harris’ campaign. And according to opinion studies, they have been quite successful in imposing this idea. The vice-president appears as the ideal scapegoat for the number of illegal crossings, even if they have decreased in recent months after measures taken at the start of the year by the Biden administration.

This is the reason why in Arizona, a state in which she is behind in the polls, Kamala Harris affirms her firmness to come if she is elected.

To reduce illegal crossings, I will go further to close the border between ports of entry. Those who cross our border illegally will be arrested, deported and banned from returning for five years. We will pursue repeat offenders more severely. And if someone does not apply for asylum at a legal port of entry and crosses our border illegally, they will be denied asylum. », says Kamala Harriswho was designated responsible for border management and the migration crisis at the start of President Joe Biden’s term.

For this first trip to the region in three years, the American vice-president defended a balanced policy and denounced her opponent in the race for the White House, accused of “ use rhetoric rather than results “. “He has worsened the difficulties at the border, and he continues to fan the flames of fear and division », she said in Douglas, a border town in Arizona, a southwestern state which will be key for the November election. Because this is one of the states that can swing towards Republican conservatives or Democratic progressives.

For the Republicans, it is too little and above all too late. This trip 39 days before the election comes after 44 months of chaos at a wide open border, says Donald Trump’s campaign. She accuses the Democratic candidate of taking voters for imbeciles.

Also readUnited States: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take action against armed violence
