Trump: Criminal charges against Google if I become president | News in brief

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The former president claims that Google search results show excessively negative information about him and unfairly favor Kamala Harris.

Republican presidential candidate and former president in the United States Donald Trump has threatened to bring criminal charges against the search engine giant Google, if elected president in the November elections.

Trump tells about it on its own Truth Social platform. He accuses Google of unfairly emphasizing negative news about him in its search results, as opposed to the Democratic presidential candidate Terrible about Harris.

Trump claims that Google is thus operating illegally.

– I hope the Ministry of Justice will bring criminal charges against them for this blatant interference in the elections. If not, under the laws of the land, I will ask for their indictment at the highest level when I win the election and become the President of the United States! the former president writes.

However, Trump offers no evidence to support his claims, while simultaneously ignoring the possibility that recent coverage of his campaign may have genuinely been more negative compared to Harris’ campaign.

So far, Google has not commented on Trump’s claim. However, the company is in the past saidthat he did not favor either of the US presidential candidates in his search results.

Source: Reuters
