US indicts Iranian hackers who hit Trump campaign | News in brief

US indicts Iranian hackers who hit Trump campaign News

According to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Iran has tried to interfere with Donald Trump’s presidential election campaign.

27.9. 19:56•Updated 27.9. 20:05

The US Department of Justice has indicted three Iranian hackers.

According to the Ministry of Justice, they stole the presidential candidate Donald Trump’s internal campaign documents and try to spread them in the media.

Minister of Justice of Merrick Garland according to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard hackers tried to disrupt Trump’s campaign. Relations between the US and Iran were very hostile during Trump’s presidency.

The US Treasury Department has also imposed sanctions on seven people involved in operations in Iran.

In the past, the United States has accused Russia of trying to disrupt Horrible Harris campaign.

Sources: Reuters, AP, AFP
