This is what you have to do with your interest this autumn

This is what you have to do with your interest

The TV3 hit Lyxfällan is in its 35th season, and over the years countless participants have received help with their financial problems.

Always under the guidance of the safe presenters – currently Magdalena Kowalczyk and Magnus Hedberg.

READ MORE: The advice of the Lyxfällan experts: This is how much you should save every month

Photo: TV3Lyxfällan-Magnus on the tough economic situation: “Hard slap in the face”

The last year’s inflation has been tough for the vast majority of households, not just those with limited finances.

The Lyxfällan veteran Magnus Hedberg has told more about that in an interview with News24:

– Now for many years when we have had minus interest rates and other things, it has been a party financially. It has been very cheap to take out loans and many have lived well beyond their means. And so the pendulum now comes back. It will be a really hard slap in the face for many, and it is clear that it is not fun. You have to draw in everything that is wonderful and that adds a golden edge to your life.

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Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TTRiksbanken has lowered the interest rate

Earlier this week, the Riksbank went out and lowered the interest rate by 25 basis points, which placed the new key rate at 3.25 percent.

Two more reductions can take place before Christmas, they write in a press release:

“The forecast for the policy rate reflects that a reduction of 0.5 percentage points at one of the next meetings may become relevant. It also indicates that one or two further reductions may occur in the first half of 2025.”

READ MORE: After the interest rate announcement: Major banks lower mortgage rates

Lyxfällan-Magnus’ important advice – think like this with your interest rate

And precisely the interest rate situation was one of several topics discussed in this week’s episode of News24– the podcast The Flow. Over the phone, Lyxfällan profiler Magnus Hedberg gave his most important advice for autumn.

Because how should you really think – is it best to have floating or fixed interest right now?

– In general, variable interest rates have proven to be the most cost-effective over time. It is the pure interest, as I usually say. Because when you have a fixed interest rate, it’s insurance against it moving, and it’s clear that the bank will never lose out of that battle as far as it’s possible for them, he says in the episode and continues:

– Which means that if you have fixed interest, it is a small insurance premium you have to pay for it, to know what it costs.

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Then you must have a fixed interest rate – according to Lyxfällan-Magnus

But there are households that are right to have a fixed interest rate, even if in the long run it may mean greater expenses:

– It also depends a little on the situation. If you have large loans and tight finances, it can be good to have a fixed interest rate to know what it is all about. But if you have little margins, it is usually best over time to have flexibility, says Magnus Hedberg in Flödet.

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