Police report against the association dropped – Skellefteå municipality appeals

An association applied for nearly SEK 500,000 in grants from Skellefteå municipality to be able to carry out a feasibility study on establishing a Sami experience centre.

But the municipality rejected the application and instead reported the association to the police on suspicion of fraud or attempted fraud, which SVT Sápmi has previously reported on.

Now the newspaper Norran reports that the police will not initiate a preliminary investigation where the reason is that it is believed that the association has not deliberately tried to mislead.

– We had no intention, so I’m happy about the announcement. It went unexpectedly quickly, says a spokesperson from the association to Norran.

But Skellefteå municipality is not satisfied and has submitted a request for review of the police’s decision.

– From the municipality, we consider that there is reason for further investigation and therefore we have chosen to appeal, says Andreas Löwenhöök (M), chairman of the consultation with minorities in Skellefteå and member of the municipal board.
