northern Kosovo still under tension

northern Kosovo still under tension

A press review from the Balkans prepared in partnership with Le Courrier des Balkans.

3 mins

He is the instigator of the deadly attack in Banjska, in northern KosovoSeptember 24, 2023. Pristina wants to try him for terrorism, but Milan Radoičić took refuge in Serbia where this close friend of President Vučić is considered a simple suspect and where apparently peaceful days flow.

A year after these tragic clashes, tensions are still palpable in northern Kosovo. Monitored by Belgrade, the Serbs face increasing pressure from the government of Albin Kurti. The exodus continues and many fear the disappearance of their community.

In Kosovo, imams use sexist language and in Albania, the Bektashi order wants its “Vatican”

Some imams in Kosovo use sexist language against women in their sermons, videos and posts on social media. Muslim theologians are outraged, but the official Islamic Community is slow to react.

In Albania, Edi Rama wants to provide the mystical order of the Bektashi with a “sovereign state” in the center of Tirana, based on the model of the Vatican state in Rome. Officially, it would be “ promote religious tolerance “… But isn’t it more about money laundering? Suspicions are all the stronger as money laundering is in full swing in Tirana. A vast judicial investigation has just revealed how a drug trafficker living in Dubai allegedly laundered money in his native Albania, helping to fuel a rapid rise in property prices.

In any case, this surprising project risks more harm the traditionally good relations between Albanian Islam and other faiths rather than improve them.

Despite mounting criticism of Edi Rama’s corrupt and authoritarian regime, Albania will open on October 15 the first chapter of its accession negotiations. On the other hand, the European Union has decided to dissociate the fate of North Macedonia, which remains blocked by the Bulgarian veto. By chance of the calendar, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrived in Skopje on Thursday.

The Orthodox Church of Macedonia still hopes that a decree from the Ecumenical Patriarchate will definitively recognize its autocephaly. However, it refuses any rapprochement with the Church of Ukraine recognized by Constantinople and instead cultivates its friendship with the Patriarchate of Moscow.

In Türkiye, tourists surprised by prices and revelations about the February 2023 earthquakes

In Türkiye, inflation is also weighing on tourism. Although the influx of vacationers, both local and foreign, remains massive, they consume less. Report in Antalya, between tourists surprised by the prices and professionals disappointed with their season.

Poor workmanship, negligence, bad materials… Investigations after the dramatic earthquakes of February 2023 in Türkiye revealed that in many cases, building collapses are caused by errors. The affected families are seeking truth and justice.

In June, the Turkish Audiovisual High Council decided to cancel Açık Radyo’s license, after mentioning the Armenian genocide. Since then, the independent radio station has obtained a stay of execution and continues its legal battle. Portrait of a radio station that does not want to be silent.
