Enac, today the Board of Directors: the role of the Security Manager has been strengthened

Enac today the Board of Directors the role of the

(Finance) – It took place today, 27 September 2024, on Board of Directors of Enac chaired by the President Pierluigi Di Palma and the Director General Alessio Quaranta, with the participation of the Councilors Prof. Giulia De Martino, Dr. Maria Teresa Di Matteo, Gen. Isp. Chief Antonio Giuseppe Lupoli, Dr. Benedetta Fiorini and the Delegated Magistrate of the Court of Auditors, Dr. Pino Zingale.

The President By Palma: “I thank the entire Board of Directors for the work they always do in favor of the innovative, sustainable and intermodal development of the sector, as well as fair market competition and the protection of passengers who constitute the heart of the system. In today’s session, we made decisions and initiated paths that go in this direction. For example, with the valorisation of the figure of the airport master to improve the efficiency of the airport system and guarantee passengers better management of inefficiencies”.

“We also decided to strengthen the role of Security Manager to ensure the timeliness of security operations, giving it decision-making and financial autonomy in the management of critical operations – he underlined –. Another strategic point on which the Enac Board of Directors expressed itself in positive terms is related to the optimization of national airport capacity in view of the Summer 2025 season. The body, in fact, has carried out an analysis of the performances of Catania, Bergamo, Verona , Naples, Bologna and Palermo, to define the optimal capacity in terms of movements and passengers and minimize inconvenience to users and delays. It was highlighted how a homogeneous programming of movements can bring benefits to the entire system, also in terms of noise reduction in the surrounding area, and limit the pressure on operational staff when the airport is congested, to make the system more resilient in management of unplanned events”.

“Furthermore, the draft of the DDL ratifying the Cape Town Convention which will allow Italy to improve competitiveness and full integration into the global aeronautical system”.
