Netanyahu: If you attack us, we attack you

Netanyahu If you attack us we attack you


  • Netanyahu: If you attack us, we attack you

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the UN General Assembly. Photo: Pamela Smith/AP/TT

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns Iran against striking Israel, in his speech before the UN General Assembly.

    Many delegates left the hall when the Prime Minister spoke.

    Netanyahu begins his speech by saying he “didn’t intend” to come this year because his country is “fighting for its life”. However, he chose to come to “bring clarity” to the “lies” that, according to him, have been spread about Israel.

    He says Israel is now focusing on “surveying” terror-labeled Hamas’ “remaining combat capability” and repatriating remaining people taken hostage by Hamas.

    Netanyahu also emphasizes that Hamas should have no role in the reconstruction of Gaza.

    Directs threats against Iran

    In the speech, the Israeli prime minister also talks about Israel’s multi-front war and Iran’s support for Hamas, the Lebanese Shia militia Hezbollah and the Houthi movement in Yemen.

    – If you attack us, we will attack you. There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach, says Netanyahu.

    At the same time, he warns that “Iran’s aggression” will “adventure every single country in the Middle East and the rest of the world” – and calls on the UN to target sanctions against Iran to “ensure that Iran never gets nuclear weapons”.


  • Dogs attacked woman in Barkarby

    Three dogs ran loose and lunged at people in Barkarby in Stockholm on Friday afternoon.

    Some people took shelter in a house, but a 75-year-old woman was bitten in the calf and was taken to hospital by ambulance, the police write on their website.

    At first no dog owner was seen, but then appeared to capture them.

    Several patrols went to the scene. The police decided to take the dogs into custody.

  • Anna Kinberg Batra to the government office

    Anna Kinberg Batra will be transferred to the government office as director with her salary maintained.

    It is valid until February 2029.

    Read more here.

  • Erik Slottner on AKB: “Respected the decision”

    Minister of Civil Affairs Erik Slottner comments on the government’s decision to remove Anna Kinberg Batra as governor.

    Did you force her to leave?

    – Yes, you can say that, in the sense that the government has made the decision. But Anna Kindberg Batra had respect for the government’s decision, says Erik Slottner.

    Of what she did, what was most serious?

    – It is an overall assessment we make based on the report from JO. It showed such great flaws that it is difficult to restore the trust that has been damaged.

    Now she will be moved to the government office as director, with the same salary.

    The government has not yet decided what she should do.

    – There is no agreement that applies to her specifically, this applies to heads of authorities. You get an appointment for a few years. I am absolutely sure that she will be able to be of great use elsewhere in the state.

  • Actress Maggie Smith dead

    Actor Maggie Smith is dead, AP reports. She was 89 years old.

    Read more here.

  • Anna Kinberg Batra resigns

    Photo: Lotte Fernvall/Aftonbladet

    Anna Kinberg Batra is fired as governor of Stockholm.

    In a press release, the government writes that they no longer have confidence in her.

    Read more here.

  • Suspected attempted murder in Luleå – one injured

    On Friday, the police were called to an address in Luleå because a man had been injured.

    A man was arrested at the scene, suspected of injuring the other man with a stick. They have a relationship with each other from before.

    The injured man was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The location is cordoned off for technical examination and the case is being investigated as attempted murder.

  • Around 60 women accuse al-Fayed of abuse

    Former Harrods owner Mohamed al-Fayed died in 2023. File photo. Photo: Kamil Zihnioglu/AP/TT

    Around 60 women have come forward to accuse former Harrods owner Mohamed al-Fayed of sexual assault and rape, their legal representatives say.

    “The response has been simply tremendous… We can confirm that we now represent 60 survivors as part of our claim, with more to come,” they announced in a statement.

    Recently, the BBC published a documentary in which the billionaire al-Fayed was accused of raping several women who worked at the department store Harrods from the 1980s onwards. Since then, a lot of new information has come to light.

    Efforts are now underway to gather allegations against the department store for enabling “systematic abuse” against its employees – many of whom were employed as al-Fayed’s personal assistants and secretaries over a period of 25 years.

  • Highway 26 closed after accident

    Highway 26 is completely closed south of Nykroppa after an accident that took place shortly before 1 p.m.

    The police are on the scene together with the emergency services.

    Ambulance is on its way to the scene.

    A person in their 20s has been taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter.

    According to the police, the person was awake and able to speak, but otherwise there is nothing else about the state of the damage.

    Another person, who was taken in another vehicle in connection with the collision, will be taken to hospital for a check-up.

    According to the Swedish Road Administration’s road map, it is a multi-car collision with passenger cars.

  • M sources: Pressure on Kristersson to depose Kinberg Batra

    Heavy representatives in the Moderates demand that Ulf Kristersson (M) depose the governor Anna Kinberg Batra (M), they state for The Express.

    An M source tells the newspaper that “Ulf has to put his foot down now”.

    Several sources also say that it is Kristersson’s reputation as prime minister that is at stake if he lets Kinberg Batra remain in his post.

  • The top lawyer will be the new head of the Equality Authority

    Chief prosecutor Lise Tamm will be the new director general of the Equality Authority, according to information to Echo.

    At the moment, she is the chief prosecutor for the national anti-corruption unit, but is now taking over the role of director general of the much-debated authority.

    The government sees the appointment as a “new start for the Equality Authority”, according to the information.

  • Man dead in Örebro – no one arrested

    On Wednesday morning, the police found a person dead on a road outside Örebro.

    Today, prosecutor Elisabeth Andersson announced that the person has been identified and that it is an adult man. His next of kin have been notified.

    Exactly what has happened is unclear. But he has been shot, says the prosecutor.

    Aftonbladet has previously reported that the police suspect that the man was subjected to torture-like violence and that the perpetrator or persons tried to set the body on fire. But the exact cause of death is unclear.

    – The coroner’s autopsy and statement will show that. But he has been shot, says Elisabeth Andersson.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, the man has been shot in the head. A casing was found at the crime scene.

    Information also states that the man is 25 years old and has lived at several addresses in western and central Sweden. Since January, however, he has been deregistered as missing.

    Elisabeth Andersson does not want to comment on whether the man is already known to the police.

    No one has been arrested at this time.

    – We work based on broad hypotheses. We have no motive to go out with, we are at an initial stage in the investigation.

  • Car overturned in a ditch in Kumla – one has died

    During the night of Thursday, a car overturned into a ditch in Kumla and then caught fire.

    On Friday, the police announced that one person died after the accident.

    The person has not been formally identified, but next of kin have been notified.

  • Boy stabbed on the subway – man acquitted

    A 35-year-old man who was charged with stabbing a teenage boy in the subway in central Stockholm is sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

    The man is convicted of violating the law on the prohibition of knives and other dangerous objects, the judgment states.

    At the same time, the 35-year-old is acquitted of the charge of attempted murder.

    “The fact that NN caused relatively limited damage to YY, according to the district court, speaks against the fact that he intended to kill NN”.

    The prosecutor considered that statements made by the man the evening after the attack indicate that it may be a hate crime. According to the district court, it is something that has not been proven, the judgment says.

    According to the prosecution, the man unprovoked put a knife to the boy’s neck and then stabbed him in the back.

    According to the lawsuit, it was “a coincidence that the injuries were not life-threatening.”

  • Kristersson: Hatred of Jews worse than Islam

    Prime Minister and Moderate party chairman Ulf Kristersson. Archive image. Photo: Jakob Åkersten Brodén/TT

    Anti-Semitic propaganda is more serious than anti-Muslim, says Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M).

    – I dislike all forms of insults. But I think anti-Semitism has a special position, for many different reasons. Anti-Semitism has a very unique history and it constantly finds new ways to spread old conspiracy theories, he tells Dagens Nyheter.

    In an interview with the newspaper, Kristersson is held accountable for recurring scandals where Sweden Democratic politicians have been accused, among other things, of having spread harsh criticism of Islam.

    Most recently the chairman of the justice committee, Richard Jomshof, who was investigated for incitement against a ethnic group for two pictures that were shared on X, but where the investigation was closed.

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