Gunde Svan has changed his eating habits after the end of his career

Everyone knows that Gunde Svan drank incredible amounts of oatmeal every day while competing.
Now the former elite athlete, now the TV profile, has changed his diet.
– I can even have a coffee sometimes, so now it’s going downhill, he tells Aftonbladet.

It’s no secret that Gunde Swan62, was a proper food wreck during his active sports career. The favorite food was oatmeal and he could swallow a couple of servings every day without any problems. He ate like a horse and used to be on around 8,000 calories a day when he was training the most.

Gunde’s incomparable shower routine

Gunde Svan participated in eight Olympic races during his career and won medals in six of them. Four of the medals were of the highest denomination. You can also write for seven World Cup golds, five victories out of the total World Cup and as many as 16 SM golds.

That the valley man was successful is an understatement. For a few years he was clearly the world’s best skier. He was also known for his extremely low resting heart rate (said to have been 32) and his short showers.

– Now the record is one minute and 23 seconds. But 1.36 was good for a long time and I got quite a few emails and videos from people who wrote that they had beaten it. First, you must be dressed and stand outside the door. Then you should shampoo your hair and wash your whole body, dry yourself, put on your clothes and go out. I also figured out how to dry myself after showering so I wouldn’t have to dry myself twice in the same place. There is also a huge difference between terrycloth and terrycloth, he tells Aftonbladet about his shower routine.

READ MORE: Gunde Svan reveals how extremely much he ate during his skiing career – more than a whole family(!) together

This is how Gunde Svan eats today

When the evening newspaper asks what his training habits look like these days, 33 years after he stopped skiing, he says he’s still doing pretty well. The 62-year-old trains several times a week.

– I try to keep going quite a lot and get disappointed if I don’t train five times a week. It will mostly be running, roller skiing or mountain biking, he says.

He has also changed his eating habits somewhat since he was an elite athlete, which would be strange otherwise. His previous caloric intake of 8,000 calories per day was actually enough to feed four average-sized men. These days he doesn’t eat nearly the same amount of food. However, there are still things he avoids putting in his mouth.

READ MORE: Gunde Svan breaks the silence about the health problem that also affected Ingemar Stenmark – the doctors’ verdict: “There is a lot of wear and tear”

– I weigh nothing anymore and eat almost everything that is offered. It can even gobble down a hamburger if it’s in a pinch. However, I don’t drink alcohol, it hasn’t gone that far. But I can even have a coffee sometimes, so now it’s going downhill, he says.

Gunde Svan was and still is an incredible person. Funny, serious, ambitious, genuine, knowledgeable and entertaining. A man of honor in many ways.

Where do you place him in the ranking list of Sweden’s best skiers ever? Feel free to write a comment and make your voice heard.

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