(Finance) – “The time has come to take on the responsibility of ferrying the legal profession into the “third millennium“, accompanying especially young lawyers towards a way of practicing the profession that is more in step with the times and inclined to the demand for legal services: an international, European, digital, qualified and specialized lawyer who, through the tool of the network between professionals, knows how to conquer old and new market spaces, starting from those linked to the world of consultancy and extrajudicial assistance. A lawyer in step with the changes in society who knows how to look to the future, without fear, governing it, maintaining his own autonomy and independence, bastions of a profession that, not by chance, defines itself as free.
This is the vision that AIGA is trying to carry forward the discussions set up at the National Forensic Council for the drafting of the new professional law, after having already had it approved by the National Forensic Congress several motions that go in this direction. The new profession law must also be the opportunity to regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence in law firms, trying to contain its risks and exploit its potential”. This was stated Carlo Foglieni, president of AIGA, opening the 2024 National Congress of the trade association in Naples.
The Minister of Justice spoke at the event via video Charles Nordiowho received the Honorary Member plaque from the AIGA Congress: “I wish thank AIGA for the intense work carried out, with concrete ideas and proposals that go in the direction of a legal profession in line with the evolution of society and the market and increasingly attractive for young people. The the figure of the lawyer is fundamental to the functioning of justice; it is structural to the jurisdiction that rests on three legs: prosecution, defense and judge. Without a concrete equalization of all the functions, the system would risk being incomplete. The toga, which the lawyer wears like the judge, gives the idea of the almost priestly function that is exercised. The system works if we are able to make it efficient. Finally and for the first time, by 2026, we will fill that gap in the number of magistrates that we have been carrying around for decades. This, together with investments in digitalization and the thousands of new professional figures already in service to support the chancelleries, will certainly favor that process of justice reform that citizens, through the electoral mandate, have asked us to implement. A fundamental contribution will be made by artificial intelligence which, however, we must be aware, can never replace human intelligence and the sensitivity of the jurist”.
According to the Senator Erika Stefani, present at the Congress in the Castel Capuano headquarters, “the legal profession must be the protagonist of the transformations that concern it. We need a full comparison between the institutions and a legal profession, who must feel free to assert her role and importance in the justice system.”
The Congress was attended by Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi: “Today professions are suffering from the changes taking place: on the one hand there is a need to update the relationship between university education and professional qualificationthen there is the issue of new technologies. An unavoidable challenge to protect professions and more generally intellectual work”.
Francesco Zaccaria, president of AIGA Naples, highlighted the importance of the event “for the city, which had not hosted an AIGA Congress for over a decade. Today, young lawyers have two priorities above all: find new market spaces and be assisted in starting the businesswhich is certainly the most delicate moment for a professional”.
For Carmine Foreste, President of the Naples Bar Association“starting from new rules, which regulate the profession, is a necessity. A new approach suited to the times: starting the discussion in Naples, at the AIGA Congress, is an important starting point”.