Elina Valtonen evaluates the solution to leave Finland out of the equality alliance: Not throwing our values ​​in the scrap heap | Policy

Elina Valtonen evaluates the solution to leave Finland out of

Are there ambiguities related to values ​​in Finland’s foreign policy line, as the president implied, Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen?

18:46•Updated 18:47

Foreign minister Elina Valtonen according to Finland’s foreign policy line is completely clear with regard to the rights of women and girls and gender and sexual minorities.

– Crystal clear, Valtonen characterizes at a press conference in New York, in connection with the UN General Assembly.

Valtonen commented on the criticism and discussion within the Finnish government about the ambiguity of Finland’s foreign policy line.

The criticism has risen when the second minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the minister of foreign trade and development Ville Tavio (ps.) decided in the summer that Finland will not participate in the equality coalition of the Ukraine Reconstruction Conference.

According to Valtonen, a single decision does not shake the long line of Finnish foreign policy. For example, the rights of women and girls and gender and sexual minorities have been recorded in a recent report made in the spring.

Valtonen adds that if he had made the decision himself, he would have participated in the alliance.

– If we are not involved in a single project, it does not mean that we throw our value in the scrap heap, says Valtonen.

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Stubb roared from the Foreign Office

President Alexander Stubb has criticized the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the way in which Finland was left out of the equality alliance of the Ukraine Reconstruction Conference.

Stubb let it be understood that there are disagreements related to values ​​in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the rights of gender and sexual minorities.

– I hope that in the future we will not see similar mistakes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that the president is not informed about matters that belong to the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation but are related to our foreign and security policy, Stubb said in New York in connection with the UN General Assembly on Monday.

Prime minister Petteri Orpo (collective) has commented that supporting the rights of gender and sexual minorities and participating in the littouma would have been in line with Finland’s line.

Political scientist Johanna Vuorelman according to both Tavio’s resignation and Stubb’s stance are a big change to the consensus-oriented way in which foreign policy has been communicated in Finland.

– The principle and line of foreign policy management, which is usually followed very carefully in Finland, has been violated here, Vuorelma commented on Wednesday.

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